Modifying non-encrypted registry settings
To modify the non-encrypted registry settings, complete the following steps:
Key | Description |
CreateUNCHomeDirectories | If this key is set to TRUE, the key enables creation of the UNC home directory. The default value is FALSE. |
DeleteUNCHomeDirectories | If this key is set to TRUE, the key enables deletion of the UNC home directory on delete. The default value is FALSE. |
delRoamingProfileOnDeprovision | If this key is set to TRUE, the key enables user profile directory
deletion when the user is de-provisioned. After successfully deleting the user from the Active
Directory, the adapter deletes the user home directory, subdirectories, and files. If this key is set to FALSE, or if the key does not exist, the adapter does not delete the user home directory. The default value is FALSE. |
delUNCHomeDirOnDeprovision | If this key is set to TRUE, the key enables UNC Home directory
deletion when the user is de-provisioned. After successfully deleting the user from the Active
Directory, the adapter deletes the user home directory, subdirectories, and files. If this key is set to FALSE, or if the key does not exist, the adapter does not delete the user home directory. The default value is FALSE. |
ForceRASServerLookup | If this key is set to TRUE, the RASServer is always found from the
domain information. If this key is set to FALSE, one of these conditions exist:
ForceTerminalServerLookup | If this key is set to TRUE, the terminal server is always found from
the domain information. If this key is set to FALSE, one of these conditions exist:
ManageHomeDirectories | If this key is set to TRUE, the adapter performs Add and Delete
operations for actual directories. If this key is set to FALSE, the adapter updates only the home directory information in the Active Directory. The default value is FALSE. |
NotifyIntervalSeconds | This key specifies the interval (in seconds) after which the adapter enabled event notification process starts. It can be modified by using the agentCfg tool. The default value is 300 seconds. |
ReconHomeDirSecurity | If this key is set to TRUE, the adapter brings the Home Security information (NTFS security, share name, and share security) during a reconciliation. The default value is FALSE. The reconciliation operation is fast when this key is set to FALSE. |
ReconPrimaryGroup | The recon operation does not add the primary group to the group list. The
memberof attribute in Active Directory stores the user’s group membership,
except the primary group. The primaryGroupID attribute in Active Directory stores the primary group
of the user. As a result the primary group must be explicitly added to group list. If this key is set to TRUE, the primary group is added to the group list. If this key is set to FALSE, the primary group is not added to the group list. The default value is FALSE. |
SearchPasswordSettings | Most of the password attributes are stored in the Active Directory and are
directly retrieved. But some (for example, Require Unique Password and User Cannot Change
Password) are not stored in the Active Directory. These attributes must be retrieved by
using APIs. If this key is set to TRUE, the password attributes are retrieved by using the respective API. If this key is set to FALSE, the attributes are not retrieved. The default value is FALSE. When this key is set to FALSE, the password flag attributes are not retrieved and the reconciliation operation is fast. |
UnlockOnPasswordReset | If this key is set to TRUE, the adapter activates the user on a password change request. The default value is FALSE. |
useDefaultDC | This key provides failover capability for the adapter when the host specified
in the base point is not available. If the adapter cannot connect to the host specified in the base
point and the key is set to TRUE, the adapter connects to the base point without the host name.
If this key is set to TRUE, the key affects RASServer and Terminal server lookup behavior. The default value is FALSE. |
useSSL | This key enables SSL communication between the adapter and the Active
Directory. If this key is set to TRUE, the adapter uses SSL to communicate with the Active Directory. If this key is set to FALSE or does not exist, the adapter does not use SSL. The default value is FALSE. |
WtsDisableSearch | This key takes effect only if WtsEnabled is set to TRUE. If set to FALSE, this key enables a reconciliation of the WTS attributes. If set to TRUE, the reconciliation is faster. The default value is FALSE. |
WtsEnabled | If this key is set to TRUE, the key enables processing of Windows Terminal Server (WTS) attributes. The default value is FALSE. |
UseGroup | You can set this key to one of the following options:
Depending on the key the adapter retrieves the value for group during the reconciliation operation and processes during the add and modify operation of the adapter. When you change the value of this key, you must modify the profile and import it again on IBM® Security VerifyIBM Security Identity Governance and IntelligenceIBM Security Privileged Identity Manager. The default value is DN. |
ReconMailboxPermissions | When this key is set to FALSE, the adapter does not retrieve the Mailbox Permission information. The reconciliation operation is fast when this key is set to FALSE. The default value is TRUE. |
UPNSearchEnabled | When the registry key UPNSearchEnabled is set to
FALSE, the adapter does not perform a search on the User Principal Name
for uniqueness. It creates the user account with the supplied or generated value of the
User Principal Name. When the registry key
UPNSearchEnabled is set to TRUE, the adapter performs a search on the
User Principal Name to ensure the uniqueness. The default value is TRUE.
Note: This key is
used only for the user add operation.
UseITIMCNAttribute | When this key is set to TRUE , the adapter uses IBM Security VerifyIBM Security Identity Governance and
IntelligenceIBM Security Privileged Identity
Manager common schema
attribute cn. The adapter processes the cn attribute for add, modify, and reconciliation operations.
When this key is set to FALSE , the adapter uses the erADFullName attribute for add,
modify, and reconciliation operations. When you set this registry key to FALSE , you
must customize the account form.The default value is |
MailUserRenameDelay |
When you rename a user account with mail status, the Active Directory might
take time to reestablish the user account mail status. This behavior causes the adapter to fail the
exchange attributes in the rename request with the error message Error setting attribute name.
User does not have a mailbox. In this case, renaming means modifying the
Eruid and the User Principal Name attribute. When you use this key, the adapter waits before it modifies the exchange attribute when a user account is renamed. For example, set this key is set to 10 seconds. Submit a user account rename request. The adapter waits for 10 seconds before modifying the exchange attributes that are in the request. The default value of the registry key is 0 seconds. Note: The adapter uses this key only when the Eruid, User Principal Name, and
the exchange attributes are modified.
SearchTimeout | In some of the Active Directory setups, the adapter might not complete the
reconciliation operation. This failure occurs when the Microsoft ADSI API GetNextRow halts
indefinitely. The adapter monitors the reconciliation operation. Set this registry key to a non-zero value. The adapter process ends if there is no activity by the adapter in the reconciliation operation for the time in seconds specified in this key. When you set the value of this registry key to 0 and if the adapter halts during the reconciliation operation, the reconciliation operation does not complete and the operation is timed out on IBM Security VerifyIBM Security Identity Governance and IntelligenceIBM Security Privileged Identity Manager. In this case, restart the adapter service. The default value of the registry key is 0 seconds. |
LyncDisableSearch | If this key is set to TRUE, the key disables the Lync attributes. It excludes the Lync attributes, which are not stored as LDAP values and are retrieved with a powershell call, from search results. The Lync attributes can significantly affect the performance during a search. The default value is FALSE. |
- AbortReconOnFailure
- OverrideX500Addresses
- Example 1
- When a Users BasePoint DN specified on service form is
, you can specify the list of target server(s) in the adapter registry by using agentCfg.exe as:- Create the registry with name
. - Specify the value for the key as
- Create the registry with name
- Example 2
- When a Users BasePoint DN specified on service form is
, you can specify the list of additional target server(s) in the adapter registry by using agentCfg.exe as:- Create the registry with name
. - Specify the value for the key as
- Create the registry with name
.- When an Exchange user ID is created, the entry is first created in the Active Directory. Initially, the user is inactive. The RUS activates the user ID, by setting the msExchUserAccountControl attribute to 0.
- When a user, group or object is added to or modified in the Active Directory, the RUS determines which of the available address lists it belongs to. The service then adds the updated address list to the showInAddressBook attribute for the user, group, or object.
The adapter considers the msExchUserAccountControl and showInAddressBook attributes attributes and perform the preceding tasks when RUS is turned off and the IsRUSRunning attribute is set to FALSE. When you install the adapter, the default value of the IsRUSRunning flag is TRUE.
IsRUSRunning flag | RUS running on the resource | Behavior of the adapter |
TRUE | TRUE | The adapter does not manage the msExchUserAccountControl and showInAddressBook attributes. |
TRUE | FALSE | The adapter creates an entry in the log file and does not manage the msExchUserAccountControland showInAddressBook attributes. |
FALSE | TRUE | The adapter creates an entry in the log file and does not manage the msExchUserAccountControl and showInAddressBook attributes. |
FALSE | FALSE | The adapter manages the msExchUserAccountControl and showInAddressBook attributes. |