Upgrading Windows Active Directory in silent mode by using a response file

You can use response file to provide inputs during silent installation.


  1. Use one of these actions to create a response file.
    • Generate a response file by issuing the command:
      SetupAD64.exe -r "Full path of response file"
      This command runs the installer in interactive mode and installs the adapter. After the installation completes, the file specified as "Full path of response file" is created. The file contains the required parameters.
      Note: If you are running this command to generate only the response file, you must uninstall the adapter by using the uninstaller.
    • Manually create a response file:
      Use a text editor to create a text file. For example create a file WinAD64InstallParameters.txt, with the following content:
      #Has the license been accepted
      #Select Install Type
      USER_INPUT_INSTALL_TYPE=\"\",\"Update Installation\"
      USER_INPUT_INSTALL_TYPE_2=Update Installation
  2. Issue the command:
    SetupAD64.exe -i silent -f "Full path of response file"
    For example:
    SetupAD64.exe -i silent -f "C:\WinAD64InstallParameters.txt"
  3. Restart the workstation.