Installing the IBM Security Verify Gateway for Linux PAM and AIX PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)

The Verify Gateway for PAM. is installed from RPM.


  1. Locate and Download the latest IBM® Security Verify Gateway for Linux PAM or IBM Security Verify Gateway for AIX PAM application from the App Exchange.
    The Linux application consists of a licence folder, a README.txt file, and .zip files that contains the installer executables for the supported versions of Linux.

    The AIX application consists of a licence folder, a README.txt file and the pam_ibvm_auth.rte. file.

    1. Go to
    2. Log in to the App Exchange.
    3. Search for IBM Security Verify Gateway.
    4. Select IBM Security Gateway for Gateway for Linux PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) or IBM Security Gateway for Gateway for AIX PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules).
    5. Download the application.
  2. To install on Linux, follow these steps.
    1. Decompress the file
    2. Select the .zip file for your operating system and extract the files.
    3. To install by using the .rpm files, do the following steps.
      1. Install the IBM Auth API for Verify. Issue the following command.
        rpm -i ibm-auth-api-1.0.7-0.x86_64.rpm
      2. Install the IBM PAM module for Verify. Issue the following command.
        rpm -i pam-ibm-auth-1.0.7-0.x86_64.rpm
        Note: Use the rpm -U command to upgrade to newer versions of the packages.
    4. To install or upgrade by using the .deb files, do the following steps.
      1. Install the IBM Auth API for Verify. Issue the following command.
        dpkg -i ibm-auth-api-1.0.7-0.x86_64.deb
      2. Install the IBM PAM module for Verify. Issue the following command.
        dpkg -i pam-ibm-auth-1.0.7-0.x86_64.deb
  3. To install on IBM AIX, do the following steps.
    1. Decompress the file.
    2. Extract the files.
    3. Ensure that OpenSSL is installed on your system.
      The minimum level of OpenSSL is (1.0.2u).
    4. Run smitty installp.
    5. Tell smitty to use the directory that contains the pam_ibvm_auth.rte. file.
    6. Select the pam_ibm_auth fileset and install it.
    7. Edit /etc/pam_ibm_auth.json file and enter the Verify server connection details.