Top level {}

This section contains the Verify Gateway for RADIUS server global settings.







Specifies the host name or IP address for RADIUS server to listen for requests. The value of “::” means all IPv6 and IPv4 addresses on the local computer. You might use “” for all IPv4 addresses. Or you might specify a particular interface's address, such as “”.

Specifies the IP port on which to listen for RADIUS requests. Port 1812 is the new RADIUS standard port for authentication.

Specifies a file to output low-level trace into for debugging issues. If you use the \ separator, then you must double each occurrence because the backslash has special meaning in JSON files, for example
Note: This configuration item is commented out, the comments can be removed if the entry needs to be set.
"trace-rollover": 0
Specifies the approximate maximum size in bytes of the trace-file when the file is saved and a new empty trace-file is created. The trace-file is saved by renaming it by appending the current timestamp.
"trace-localtime": false
Specifies whether the trace file timestamps should be in local time. By default the timestamps use UTC.
"trace-prefix-all": false
Specifies whether all trace lines should be prefixed with a timestamp. By default the ISV REST API request/response trace capture lines are only prefixed on the first line.
"cache-size": 2048
Specifies the size of the cached used to store a history of RADIUS server authentication response packets. The cached response packets are used to respond to duplicate/resent requests from RADIUS clients (NAS) and to maintain the state of an authentication request across a series of access challenges from the server to the client. If the rate of authentication requests is too high for the default of 2048 (causing the oldest active authentication state to be displaced out of the cache), this setting can be increased.