Supported data types for Salesforce custom attributes

Use these data types when you configure your Salesforce application profile.

Table 1. Support data types for Salesforce custom attributes
Salesforce data type Verify data type Considerations
Number Number/string If the number field is passed as string, the target converts it to a number. The maximum length on the target is 18 for a number. If the length is exceeded, an error is displayed in the operations tab. Verify supports only integers under Number type. Decimal values and long numbers are not supported.
Checkbox Boolean The default setting is false.
Date String The accepted format is yyyy-mm-dd. At a minimum, the year must be passed in the string. If the value is incorrectly set from Verify, the value is not set on the target.
Date/Time String The accepted format is yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00.00+00:00.
Time String The accepted format is 00:00:00.000Z
Email String  
Geolocation String The location type needs latitude and longitude values that are in decimal. Verify supports only integers under Number. The Geolocation type can be supported by string type. The target converts the string to numeric value.
Note: Two custom profile attributes must be created and mapped to <custom attribute>__Latitude__s and <custom attribute>__Longitude__s respectively.
Percent Number/string If a number field is passed as string, the target converts it to a number. The maximum length on the target is 18 for a number. If the length is exceeded, an error is displayed in the operations tab. Verify supports only integers under Number type. Decimal values and long numbers are not supported.
Phone String  
Picklist String If the target settings are set for a value from a predefined picklist, the value must be set accordingly on Verify.
Picklist (multiple) String For multiple values, separate the values by a "semicolon (;)" in string format for multiple picklists. If the target settings are set for values from a predefined picklist, the values must be set accordingly on Verify
Text Area String The maximum length for a Verify string attribute is 1000 characters. Text area longer than 1000 characters are not supported.
Text Area (Long) String The maximum length on target is 32768. The maximum length for a Verify string attribute is 1000 characters. Text area longer than 1000 characters are not supported.
Text Area (Rich) String No formatting is displayed on Verify. The maximum length on target is 32768. The maximum length for a Verify string attribute is 1000 characters. Text area longer than 1000 characters are not supported.
Text (Encrypted) String Configure the mask type and character at the target. Verify displays the string as plain text.
URL String If a string is given, the target automatically adds http:// for the URL format.
Currency Number/string If a number field is passed as string, the target converts it to a number. The maximum length on the target is 18 for a number. If the length is exceeded, an error is displayed in the operations tab. Verify supports only integers under Number type. Decimal values and long numbers are not supported.
Auto Number None The number is automatically incremented for every new user.
Hierarchical Relationship String The user ID is passed to show the hierarchical relationship between two users. If an incorrect ID is passed an error message is displayed.
Formula String These fields are read-only. They cannot be added or modified from Verify.
Formula(checkbox) Boolean
Note: If certain constraints are marked on the target, when the custom field is created, an appropriate value must be passed during user provisioning or other operations. Otherwise, an error message is displayed under governance for failed operations.