Generating an account sync history report

You can generate reports to show the application synchronization history in your IBM® Security Verify tenant.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrative permission or be a member of the helpdesk group to complete this task.
  • Log in to the IBM Security Verify administration console as an Administrator.


  1. Select Reporting & diagnostics > Reports.
  2. Type or select an application name in the Application name field on the Account sync history tile and select the application from the menu. You can also choose to select to view the account sync history report for all applications. Select View report.
    The summary report for the current day displays all events that are related to account sync history.
  3. Select Filters to filter the results.
    You can search by:
    Application type
    Filter selections by the type of application.
    Adoption status
    Filter selections based on different adoption status for account sync history generated.
    You can use any combination of filters to refine your results. Select Apply filters to modify the request. The selected filters are displayed above the graph. You can clear the filters by selecting the Reset link.
  4. You can use the Application name filter drop-down to filter for the specific application or to view the report for a particular application.
  5. Change the date range for the report.
    Select the From and To dates to display the calendar drop downs and select the dates for the report.
    Note: The To date cannot exceed the current date.
  6. Select Run Report.
    The Report information is refreshed.
    The account sync history report shows following information:
    Table 1.
    Information Attributes Descriptions
    Application name applicationname Name of the application for which account sync history took place.
    Application type applicationtype Type of the application for which account sync history took place.
    Account sync ID reconciliationid ID of the account synchronization history for which account sync history took place.
    Description cause Reason related to a particular account sync history status.
    Adoption status recon_status Adoption status of the account synchronization.
    Account sync stats recon_account_info Account sync details.
    Time stamp time When the account sync history was generated.
  7. View Account Sync History Activity

    Select the Account sync ID of a row on the report main page to view the details of the activity page. This page shows additional information related to the account sync history activities.

    In the header, the following information is displayed.
    Table 2. Header section
    Information Attributes Descriptions
    Application name applicationname Name of the application for which account sync activity took place.
    Application type applicationtype Type of the application for which account sync activity took place.
    Performed by performedby_type Name of the person who performed account sync activity.
    Performed by type performedby_type Type of the account sync activity performed.
    Remediation policy remediation_policy The policy selected to remediate non-compliant accounts.
    The summary of statistics provides the following information.
    Table 3. Statistics section
    Information Attributes Descriptions
    Compliant adoptionstats_compliant_accounts Count of the compliant account sync activities that were performed.
    Failed adoptionstats_failed_accounts Count of the failed account sync activities that were performed.
    Unmatched adoptionstats_unmatched_accounts Count of the unmatched account sync activities that were performed.
    Deleted adoptionstats_deleted_accounts Count of the delete account sync activities that were performed.
    Non-compliant adoptionstats_non_compliant_accounts Count of the non-compliant account sync activities that were performed.
    Groups added adoptionstats_non_compliant_accounts Count of the groups added account sync activities that were performed.
    Groups modified adoptionstats_non_compliant_accounts Count of the groups modified account sync activity that were performed.
    Groups deleted recon_groups_info Count of the groups deleted account sync activity that were performed.
    Select Filters to filter the results. You can search by
    Compliance Status
    Filter selections by the compliance status of the account sync activity.
    Filter selections based on different event types for account sync history.
    Filter selections based on target of the account sync activity.
    Target type
    Filter selections based on types of the target.
    Filter selections based on subject for account sync activity.
    Subject type
    Filter selections based on type of account sync activity.
    Table 4.
    Information Attributes Descriptions
    Time stamp time When the account sync activitytook place.
    Target ID targetid ID of the target.
    Target target Target that was affected.
    Target type target_type Type of the target.
    Subject ID subjectid ID of the subject.
    Subject subject Subject that was affected.
    Subject type subject_type Type of the subject.
    Description cause Reason related to a particular account sync activity.
    Delta changes delta_changes Old and new values of the attributes.
    Compliance status remediation_status Compliance status of the account sync activity.
    Entitlement category entitlementcategory Category of the particular entitlement.
    Permission rights permissionrights Permission rights of the account sync activity.
    Status action The result of a particular account.