Configuring your application at LinkedIn

To use LinkedIn as an identity provider, you must configure your application in LinkedIn.

Before you begin

Follow the steps in Adding a social identity provider.

About this task

Note: Because of recent API changes the scope r_contact info is not now openly supported. Therefore, second factor authentication (2FA) with SMS OTP is not available with this identity provider. For more information, see


  1. Log in to the LinkedIn developers site at
  2. Click Create App and complete the entire information.
    Specify your company name or create a new company page.
  3. Click Create App.
  4. Select the Products tab.
  5. In the list of products, find Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect and click Request access.
  6. Select the Auth tab.
  7. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
    Specify these authentication keys in the Verify Administration console Add Identity Provider dialog box.
  8. Specify under Authorized Redirect URLs the Redirect URL from the Verify Administration console, Authentication > Add Identity providers.
  9. Click Update.