Configuring your application in QQ

To use QQ as an identity provider, you must configure your application in QQ.

Before you begin

You must have an account on the QQ developer website.

Follow the steps in Adding a social identity provider.

About this task

Note: Some Chinese providers do not provide email ID attributes. Nor do they require an email ID for account sign-up and registration.

Therefore, such providers do not necessarily return an email address as a profile data element, which affects 2FA with these providers.


  1. Go to the QQ home page
  2. Log in with a valid developer account.
  3. Click the Applications tab.
  4. Click Create application.
    Note: The button text is not localized to other languages and shows only Chinese characters
    Figure 1. Button text
    Create application
    . You might want to use a mobile app to translate the characters into your language. This button is used several times during the configuration process.
  5. Click Create a website app.
  6. Provide the following information to complete the form.
    Note: The field and button texts are not localized to other languages and show only Chinese characters. You might want to use a mobile app to translate the characters into your language. After an invalid attempt, localized messages for the fields are displayed.
    1. Provide the name for the website.
    2. Provide description or introduction for the website.
  7. Click Create application.
  8. Provide the following information to complete the form.
    See the previous Note.
    1. Provide the website address.
      The website address is the tenant name. For example, <tenant_name> To find the tenant name, go to Configuration > Identity sources in the IBM® Security Verify administration console.
    2. Provide the callback address.
      The callback address is the redirect URL from the Verify admin console. Go to Settings > Identity Sources.
    3. Provide company name.
    4. Provide the website record number.
    5. Upload and icon for the website.
  9. Click Create application.
    A confirmation message that your application is submitted for review is displayed with the expected response time.
  10. After approval, you receive an APP ID and an APP Key value. Specify these values in the IBM Security Verify administration console Authentication > Add Identity providers.