Configuring your application in Google

To use Google as an identity provider, you must configure your application in Google.

Before you begin

Follow the steps in Adding a social identity provider.


  1. Log in to the Google developers site at
  2. From the APIs & Services dashboard, click ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES.
  3. From the Welcome to the API Library page, search for Google People API.
  4. Click Google People API.
  5. Click MANAGE.
  6. Click CREDENTIALS. You need these credentials to access the APIs.
  7. Click + Create Credentials.
  8. Click OAuth client ID.
  9. From the Application type menu, select Web application.
  10. Specify a name for the client.
  11. For Authorized JavaScript origins, click ADD URI and specify your domain.
  12. Under Authorized redirect URIs, click ADD URI and provide the redirect URL from your Verify tenant.
    Copy the URL from the To identity provider section on your Google identity provider setup in Verify.
  13. Click Create.
  14. Download or copy the Client ID and Client Secret , and click OK. Specify these authentication keys in the Verify Admin console Authentication > Add Identity providers.

What to do next

Return to Verify and provide the Client ID and secret to continue your Google identity provider setup.