Customizing a user profile

Change a user profile to tailor the form to your needs. Existing fields can be modified and moved to other locations within a form. New form elements can be added. Validation of user data can be defined. Customize an IBM® Security Verify user flow with the Form element editor.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrative permission to complete this task.
  • Log in to the IBM Security Verify administration console as an Administrator. For more information, see Accessing IBM Security Verify.
  • A user profile in a draft or published state. See Create a user profile .


  1. Select User experience > Profile Management.
  2. Select a user profile from the Profile management dashboard to open the form in the Profile tab.
  3. Customize the user profile for your Verify tenant.
    • If the user profile is Published, select Edit as a draft in the right pane of the Profile management profile page.
    • If the flow is in Draft, the page opens available for edits.
    In the middle pane of the page, select any element to change it. Use the User flow dialog icon to drag the element to another location within the section. Delete the element by using the Delete icon.
    Customize the element with the Form element editor in the right pane of the page. Some of the elements have dropdown menus with choices and other elements can include text or Markdown markup language to display in the form. Depending on the type of element selected, the fields vary.
    Some elements can use Attribute replacement, which captures the user's attribute value and uses it the next and subsequent times that the attribute is called. For example, by using code block {{name}}, the file can retrieve the user's attribute input from a previous step. The user's attribute input replaces the code block with the name that the user provided every time that {{name}} is called.
    Note: Attribute replacement cannot work if Form elements for the replacements are not added in a previous step.

    The +Add form element button is available in the first two sections of the form to add an element to the form.

    Use the Form element editor to define the type of element. The following Verify elements are available in the Form element dropdown menu.

    Note: The Form element editor is not available unless Include attributes collection setup is selected for the user profile you are customizing.
    The agreement element is used to add a EULA agreement to the user profile form. The element is included in the default user profile. For more information, see Managing end user license agreements.
    A checkbox field. Select a user attribute to define the selection for the user.
    A dropdown field. Select a user attribute, and then define the options and values to create the selections on the dropdown menu. Replace the text in the Option label fields for what is displayed on the dropdown menu.
    An email field. The field is used in the default user profile to send an email back to the user in the Post-registration actions.
    An obfuscated field. The field is used in the default user profile to ask the user for sensitive information during registration.
    A phone number field. The field can be customized with attributes for home, work, mobile, and other values.
    Radio button
    A radio button field. Select a user attribute, and then define the options and values to create the selections for the radio button field.
    Text block
    A text block field. The field can include text or Markdown markup language to display in the form.
    Text input field
    A text input field for user data entry.

    Based on the type of element and the user attribute selected, different fields are available for further customization. For example, Field label, Helper text, Placeholder text, Required field, Field validation and Class names options are available in some of the element attributes. For more information about attributes, see Managing attributes.

    If the Field validation option is selected in an element attribute, use a regular expression (regex) to pattern match and validate the user input in a Date, Email, Password, Phone, or Text input field element. The regex cannot include delimiters or flags. For example, for input with 8 - 12 digits, enter the regex as ^\d{8,12}$ instead of /^\d{8,12}$/gm (where the two forward slash / characters are delimiters and g and m are flags). For more information about regex, see regular expression.

    In Step 2 of the Profile page, you can add extra text to display to your user after they save their profile. Select the +Add form element button. The Text block element is available to enter text or markdown when needed.
  4. Select the Settings tab of the user profile flow page to change the Profile setup or the Identity providersfor the user profile flow.
  5. Scroll to the end of the page and select Save settings.
  6. Select the Translations tab of the user profile page to change the primary language that the profile is built in.
    1. Optional: Download the primary translation template first, and then edit it with the language you want.
    2. Click Add Translations.
    3. Select the Language you want from the drop down field.
    4. In the Upload translation section, click primary translation template to download a .csv file of the primary translation template.
    5. After you edit the primary_tranlation.csv template with he language you selected from the drop down field, click Upload file and select the .csv file that you edited.
      Note: Only .csv files can be uploaded.
    6. Optional: Select the checkbox of the language you uploaded to delete it.
    7. Click Save.
  7. In the right pane, select Publish changes to make the identity proofing flow available to your users.
    Note, you can click the Get preview link to view the form before publishing. If you are working with a draft of a published user profile, you can also click View current version to display the current published user profile and then go back to the draft, if needed. The Delete profile link removes the user profile.


To add a phone number to a login user profile:
  1. Open the user profile flow in edit mode.
  2. In the first section of the user profile flow page, select the +Add form element button to create a new element.
  3. Use the Form element editor to customize the element.
    1. In the Form element field, select Phone from the pull-down menu.
    2. In the User attribute field, select work_number.
    3. In the Field label field, change the text to Work phone number.
    4. In the Helper text field, enter the text Please add your phone number.
  4. Select Save settings in the middle pane of the user profile flow page.
  5. Click the Get preview link to view the form with the new phone number field.

What to do next

  • Make the user profile flow URL available to your new users for easier login access to your IBM Security Verify tenant.
  • Go to the Profile management dashboard to see your new user profile.