Creating application profile attributes

Use this task to create a profile attribute.

Before you begin

You must have administrative permission to complete this task.

About this task

  • Newly added application profile attributes can be mapped with IBM® Security Verify attributes and are set as part of provisioning by using the values of Verify user attributes.
  • In Account sync, application attributes can be used, for mapping any custom target attributes to Verify attributes for account matching.
  • Application profile attributes can be used in reverse mappings. As part of an account sync operation, any changes to the custom attributes on the target involve the associated remediations on target and on Verify.
  • Application profile attributes show as part of account delta after account sync.
  • In-built transformations and custom rules can be applied on application profile attributes. They can set values for attributes on the target or to change user profile attributes based on any changes to custom attributes on the target.


  1. Log in as administrator in IBM Security Verify and navigate to Directory > Attributes.
  2. On the Attributes page, select Add attribute.
    The Add attribute wizard launches.
  3. For type and availability, select the Application profile tile.
  4. Select the Provisioning checkbox.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Provide a name and optionally, an attribute ID and a description for the attribute.
    Note: This attribute name is used for mapping with an actual target attribute.
  7. Select Next.
  8. Provide attribute identifier and data type on the Source and value page.
    Note: The identifier cannot contain spaces or special characters. You can use hyphens (-) and underscores (_).
  9. Select Add attribute.

What to do next

On the Attributes page, filter on Attribute value type and select Application profile. Search for the new attribute name and verify that it is in the attributes table.