Dropoff events payload

You can use the following dropoff event payloads to trigger asynchronous workflows and synchronizations for event notification webhooks and APIs.

Table 1. Dropoff attributes
Name Data type Description
data.devicetype String What type of device the registration came from.
data.flow_document_id String The UUID of the registration document where the user registered.
data.flow_id String The UUID of the flow that the user registered from.user registration flow ID
data.flow_name String The user registration flow name. flow that the user registered from.
data.flow_url String The URL of the flow that the user registered from.
data.origin String IP address that the user registered from.
data.realm String

Identity source of user. Examples

Cloud Directory - CloudIdentityRealm,

IBMid - www.ibm.com

SAML Enterprise - AzureRealm

LDAP pass-through - www.cloudsecurity.com

OIDC - www.yahoo.com

data.result String The dropoff result of the user registration attempt, either successful or abandoned.
data.session_id String Session ID in the profile service that was used to register the user.
data.step String The last step that the user was on during the registration when this event was triggered.
data.subtype String The subtype is registration for a drop off event type.
data.timetaken String Time taken for successful or abandoned registration.
data.userid String The user's ID.
data.username String The uusername of the user that is being registered.






String Augmented by Event service by using data.origin.


The following code is a sample payload. Use the Events APIs to get the actual attributes. See https://docs.verify.ibm.com/verify/reference/getallevents and https://docs.verify.ibm.com/verify/docs/pulling-event-data.

         "continent_name":"North America",
         "ip": "",
         "country_name":"United States",
         "flow_url": "333333333333333333333333333",
         "flow_name":"My test flow name",
         "devicetype":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0",
      "tenantname":"tenant name.ibmcloudsecurity.com",