Modify user profile pages

You can customize the IBM® Security Verify user profile pages for your business.

To update the user profile pages, download the compressed themes file. Edit the pages as needed and then upload the updated themes file back to your tenant. For details, see Updating a theme.

Text changes can be made to the pages by using HTML markup. The HTML files also contain macros. Macros are characters between the @ symbol where the data is rendered at run time. Do not change the macros in the files.

The IBM Security Verify user profile pages for English are located in the templates\user_flows\user_profile directory within the compressed theme file.

You can customize the following user profile pages:

Profile management
  • The user profile template HTML code snippet is embedded into a full fledged index.html page.

  • The index.html page contains stylesheet /v1.0/static/theme.css?themeId=${themeId}.

  • Adding styling in the theme.css file of common template would customize this page branding.

  • This page would work with the theme after providing the themeID.

  • This page doesn’t support any JavaScript code.

  • This page doesn't have any header or footer section.

The IBM Security Verify Profile management page is located in the templates\user_flows\profile\default\profile.html directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 1. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@FLOW_URL_NAME@ The final part of the flow URL, the endpoint where the flow is hosted.
@USERPROFILE_FORM@ Controls the placement of the generated user user profile form fields and action button. Begins with the first Step.
Modify user profile verification page

This page is the template for the user profile verification page. Update the templates\user_flows\user_profile\verification.html file to modify the page.

The following labels are available on the user profile verification page. To update the text on these labels, see Customizing labels.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 2. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@THEME_ID@ The ID of the registered template theme.
@PASSWORD_CHANGE@ Change password component.
@VERIFICATION_METHODS@ Verification methods list component.
@SECURITY_QUESTIONS@ Security questions component.
@ADD_NEW_VERIFICATION_METHOD@ MFA enrollment component.
@MDM_MANAGED_DEVICES@ MDM managed devices component.
Modify user profile parent page

This page is the parent template for all user profile pages. Update the templates\user_flows\user_profile\parent.html file to modify the page.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 3. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@THEME_ID@ The ID of the registered template theme.
@PAGE_HEADER@ The HTML that contains the header of the page. This code can be modified by customizing the header.html common template.
@PAGE_FOOTER@ The HTML that contains the footer of the page. This code can be modified by customizing the footer.html common template.
@NAVIGATION_BAR@ Navigation bar.
@LAST_UPDATED@ Last updated date/time label.
@MAIN_COMPONENT@ Main body to serve Profile, Privacy, Verification, Settings, or Log out.
Modify user profile navigation page

This page is a partial template for the user profile navigation bar. Update the templates\user_flows\user_profile\navigation.html file to modify the page.

The following label is available on the user profile navigation page. To update the text on this label, see Customizing labels.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 4. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@PROFILE_NAVIGATION_LINK@ Profile page navigation link.
@PRIVACY_NAVIGATION_LINK@ Privacy page navigation link.
@VERIFICATION_NAVIGATION_LINK@ Verification page navigation link.
@SETTINGS_NAVIGATION_LINK@ Settings page navigation link.
@LOGOUT_NAVIGATION_LINK@ Log out page navigation link.
Modify authorized MFA methods page

This page is a partial template for the verification methods section in user profile verification page. Update the templates\user_flows\user_profile\authorized_mfa_methods.html file to modify the page.

The following label is available on the password recovery email page. To update the text on this label, see Customizing labels.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 5. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@THEME_ID@ The ID of the registered template theme.
@TEST_MODAL@ Test method modal content.
@METHOD_ID@ ID of method.
@METHOD_LABEL@ Label of method.
@METHOD_DATE_ADDED@ Date method was added.
@METHOD_ENABLED@ Enabled label for a method.
@METHOD_VALIDATED@ Validated label for a method.
@METHOD_DEVICE_TYPE@ Device type of a method.
@METHOD_FINGERPRINT_ID@ Fingerprint signature ID.
@METHOD_TOUCH_ID@ Touch signature ID.
@HAS_FINGERPRINT@ (boolean) Whether the method has a fingerprint signature.
@HAS_TOUCH@ (boolean) Whether the method has a touch signature.
@FINGERPRINT_ENABLED@ (boolean) Whether fingerprint is enabled.
@TOUCH_ENABLED@ (boolean) Whether touch is enabled.
@METHOD_DEVICE_NAME@ Device name of a method.
@METHOD_ASSOCIATED_DOMAIN@ Associated domain of a method.
Modify security questions page

This page is a partial template for the security questions section in the user profile verification page. Update the templates\user_flows\user_profile\security_questions.html file to modify the page.

The following label is available on the security questions page. To update the text on this label, see Customizing labels.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 6. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@THEME_ID@ The ID of the registered template theme.
@SECURITY_QUESTION_VALUE@ The security question value
@SECURITY_QUESTION_LABEL@ The security question label
@SECURITY_QUESTION_DISABLED@ The security question disabled
Modify MDM devices page

The page is a partial template for the MDM devices section in the user profile verification page. Update the templates\user_flows\user_profile\mdm_devices.html file to modify the page.

The following label is available on the MDM devices section of the user profile verification tab. To update the text on this label, see Customizing labels.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 7. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@THEME_ID@ The ID of the registered template theme.
@DEVICES_COUNT@ Total number of MDM devices.
@DEVICE_COMPLIANCE_STATE@ Current compliance state of an MDM device.
@DEVICE_ENROLLMENT_DATE@ When an MDM device was enrolled.
@DEVICE_ICON@ URL of the SVG icon corresponding to an MDM device's operating system.
@DEVICE_ID@ ID of an MDM device.
@DEVICE_INDEX@ Index of an MDM device.
@DEVICE_LAST_CHECKIN_DATE@ When an MDM device last checked in.
@DEVICE_MANAGED_BY@ Service used by the device manager for an MDM device.
@DEVICE_MANAGER_ID@ ID of an MDM device's device manager.
@DEVICE_NAME@ Name of an MDM device.
@DEVICE_OS_TYPE@ Operating system of an MDM device.
@DEVICE_REFRESH_LABEL@ Label that displays on hover of an MDM device's refresh button (changes when the device is disabled).
@DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER@ Serial number of an MDM device.
@DEVICE_UPDATED_AS_OF@ When an MDM device was last updated.
Modify user privacy page

This page is the template for the user profile privacy page. Update the templates\user_flows\user_profile\privacy.html file to modify the page.

The following labels are available on the user profile privacy page. To update the text on this label, see Customizing labels.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 8. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@SEARCH_VALUE@ The search string value in the search bar.
@SORT_CYCLE@ The sort state for the table columns.
@SORT_DIRECTION@ The current sort direction of a table column.
@ID@ The consent ID.
@APPLICATION@ The consent's application.
@PURPOSE_OR_EULA@ The consent's purpose or EULA.
@ATTRIBUTE_OR_RESOURCE@ The consent attribute or resource.
@ACCESS_TYPE@ The consent's access type.
@USER_RESPONSE@ The consent's user response.
@RESPONDED_ON@ When the consent was responded to.
@USERNAME@ The username of the user that has the consent.
@REALM@ The realm of the user that has the consent.
@ATTRIBUTE_OR_RESOURCE_VALUE@ The consent's attribute or resource value.
@CLIENT_IP@ The consent's IP.
@CONSENTED_ON@ When the consent was consented to.
@START_TIME@ When the consent began.
@EXPIRY_TIME@ When the consent expires.
@CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES@ The names of the consent's custom attributes.
@CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES@ The values of the consent's custom attributes.
@PAGE_SIZE@ The number of consents in a page.
@PAGE_START@ The index of the starting consent in a page.
@TOTAL_ITEMS@ The total number of consents.
@PAGE_SIZE_OPTION@ The dropdown options for page sizes.
@STATUS_TITLE@ The title of the status notification.
@STATUS_DESCRIPTION@ The description of the status notification.
@STATUS_KIND@ The status notification's type.
Modify user profile settings page

This page is the template for the user profile settings page. Update the templates\user_flows\user_profile\settings.html file to modify the page.

The following labels are available on the user profile privacy page. To update the text on this label, see Customizing labels.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 9. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@LANGUAGE_ID@ The language ID.
@LANGUAGE_LABEL@ The language label text.
@SORT_DIRECTION@ The current sort direction of a table column.
@STATUS_TITLE@ The title of the status notification.
@STATUS_DESCRIPTION@ The description of the status notification.
@STATUS_KIND@ The status notification's type.
Modify user profile badge page

This page is the template for the user profile badge page. Update the templates\user_flows\user_profile\badge.html file to modify the page.

The following label is available on the security questions page. To update the text on this label, see Customizing labels.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 10. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@QR_CODE@ The QR code image

To change the page header, footer, and style for the user profile pages, see Create common branding.