Modify request management pages

You can customize the IBM® Security Verify request management page for your needs. The request management flow defines the experience for users.

Note: The templates located in templates/notifications/access_application_request are now deprecated and will be removed after June 2024.

To update the request management page, download the compressed theme file. Edit the page as needed and then upload the updated themes file back to your tenant. For more information, see Updating a theme.

Text changes can be made to the page by using HTML markup. The HTML files also contain macros. Macros are characters between the @ symbol where the data is rendered at run time. Do not change the macros in the file.

The following request management pages are available for customization:

Modify email approver access requested page

This page is the template of an email that is sent to approver when an access request is raised by requester. The IBM Security Verify email approver access requested that page is located in the templates/notifications/request/approver directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 1. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@REQUESTOR.FULLNAME@ The full name of the requester.
@REQUESTOR.ID@ The ID of the requester.
@REQUESTOR.EMAIL@ The email of the requester.
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@APPLICATION.ID@ The ID of the application.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@REQUESTEE.FULLNAME@ The full name of the beneficiary.
@JUSTIFICATION.TEXT@ The justification that is provided by the requester.
@ACCESS_DETAILS@ The details of an access request that includes the request ID, access name, and application name.
@APPROVER.TASKURL@ The approver task hyperlink.

Modify email approver justification provided page

This page is the template of an email that is sent to the approver when the requester justifies the reason they requested access. The IBM Security Verify email approver justification provided page is located in the templates/notifications/request/approver directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 2. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@REQUESTOR.FULLNAME@ The full name of the requester.
@REQUESTOR.ID@ The ID of the requester.
@REQUESTOR.EMAIL@ The email of the requester.
@REQUESTEE.FULLNAME@ The full name of the beneficiary.
@REQUESTEE.ID@ The ID of the beneficiary.
@REQUESTEE.EMAIL@ The email of the beneficiary.
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@APPLICATION.ID@ The ID of the application.
@REQUEST.ID@ The ID of the request.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@JUSTIFICATION.TEXT@ The justification that is provided by the requester.
@APPROVER.TASKURL@ The approver task hyperlink.

Modify email approver reminder page

This page is the template of an email that is sent to the approver if the requester sends them a reminder. The IBM Security Verify email approver reminder page is located in the templates/notifications/request/approver directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 3. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@REQUESTOR.FULLNAME@ The full name of the requester.
@REQUESTOR.ID@ The ID of the requester.
@REQUESTOR.EMAIL@ The email of the requester.
@REQUESTEE.FULLNAME@ The full name of the beneficiary.
@REQUESTEE.ID@ The ID of the beneficiary.
@REQUESTEE.EMAIL@ The email of the beneficiary.
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@APPLICATION.ID@ The ID of the application.
@REQUEST.ID@ The ID of the request.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@APPROVER.TASKURL@ The approver task hyperlink.

Modify email approver request canceled page

Note: Modify email approver request canceled page is a requestable feature, CI-35516. To request this feature, contact your IBM Sales representative or IBM contact and indicate your interest in enabling this capability. If you have permission to create a support ticket, create a support ticket with the feature number. Note: IBM Security Verify trial subscriptions cannot create support tickets.

This page is the template of an email sent to the approver when they request for an approval cancellation. The IBM Security Verify email approver request canceled page is located in the templates/notifications/request/approver directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 4. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@REQUESTOR.FULLNAME@ The full name of the requester.
@REQUESTOR.ID@ The ID of the requester.
@REQUESTOR.EMAIL@ The email of the requester.
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@APPLICATION.ID@ The ID of the application.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@ACCESS_DETAILS@ The details of an access request that includes the request ID, access name, and application name.

Modify email requestor access requested page

Note: This feature is available as part of a requestable public preview, CI-35516. To request this feature, contact your IBM Sales representative or IBM contact and indicate your interest in enabling this capability. If you have permission to create a support ticket, create a support ticket with the public preview number. Note: IBM Security Verify trial subscriptions cannot create support tickets.

This page is the template of an email that is sent to the requester after an access request is raised. The IBM Security Verify email requester access requested page is located in the templates/notifications/request/requestor directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 5. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@APPLICATION.ID@ The ID of the application.
@REQUEST.REFERENCE@ The reference or name of the parent request.
@REQUEST.ID@ The ID of the request.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@REQUESTEE.FULLNAME@ The full name of the beneficiary.
@ACCESS_DETAILS@ The details of the access request including the request ID, access name, and application name.

Modify email requestor justification requested page

Note: This feature is available as part of a requestable public preview, CI-35516. To request this feature, contact your IBM Sales representative or IBM contact and indicate your interest in enabling this capability. If you have permission to create a support ticket, create a support ticket with the public preview number. Note: IBM Security Verify trial subscriptions cannot create support tickets.

This page is the template of an email that is sent to the requester if the approver seeks additional information from requester. The IBM Security Verify email requester justification request page is located in the templates/notifications/request/requestor directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 6. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@APPROVER.FULLNAME@ The full name of the approver.
@REQUEST.ID@ The ID of the request.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@APPROVER.EMAIL@ The email of the approver.
@ENTITLEMENT.NAME@ The name of the access.
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@REQUEST.REFERENCE@ The reference or name of the parent request.
@REQUESTEE.FULLNAME@ The full name of the beneficiary.
@JUSTIFICATION.TEXT@ The justification that is provided by the approver.
@REQUESTOR.REQUESTURL@ The requester requests a hyperlink.

Modify email requestor request approved page

Note: This feature is available as part of a requestable public preview, CI-35516. To request this feature, contact your IBM Sales representative or IBM contact and indicate your interest in enabling this capability. If you have permission to create a support ticket, create a support ticket with the public preview number. Note: IBM Security Verify trial subscriptions cannot create support tickets.

This page is the template of an email sent to the requester after their request is approved. The IBM Security Verify email requester request approved page is located in the templates/notifications/request/requestor directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 7. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@APPLICATION.ID@ The ID of the application.
@REQUEST.REFERENCE@ The reference or name of the parent request.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@ACCESS_DETAILS@ The details of the access request including request id, access name, and application name.
@APPROVER.FULLNAME@ The full name of the approver.
@REQUESTEE.FULLNAME@ The full name of the beneficiary.
@JUSTIFICATION.TEXT@ The justification that is provided by the approver.

Modify email requestor request canceled page

Note: This feature is available as part of a requestable public preview, CI-35516. To request this feature, contact your IBM Sales representative or IBM contact and indicate your interest in enabling this capability. If you have permission to create a support ticket, create a support ticket with the public preview number. Note: IBM Security Verify trial subscriptions cannot create support tickets.

This page is the template of an email sent to the requester when they request for an approval cancellation. The IBM Security Verify email requester request canceled page is located in the templates/notifications/request/requestor directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 8. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@ENTITLEMENT.NAME@ The access name.
@APPLICATION.ID@ The ID of the application.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@REQUESTEE.FULLNAME@ The full name of the beneficiary.
@ACCESS_DETAILS@ The details of the access request including the request ID, access name, and application name.

Modify email requestor request failed page

Note: This feature is available as part of a requestable public preview, CI-35516. To request this feature, contact your IBM Sales representative or IBM contact and indicate your interest in enabling this capability. If you have permission to create a support ticket, create a support ticket with the public preview number. Note: IBM Security Verify trial subscriptions cannot create support tickets.

This page is the template of an email sent to the requester if there is a failure to raise a request. The IBM Security Verify email requester request failed page is located in the templates/notifications/request/requestor directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 9. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@APPLICATION.ID@ The ID of the application.
@REQUEST.REFERENCE@ The reference or name of the parent request.
@REQUEST.ID@ The ID of the request.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@REQUESTEE.FULLNAME@ The full name of the beneficiary.
@ACCESS_DETAILS@ The details of an access request that includes the request ID, access name, and application name.

Modify email requestor request rejected page

Note: This feature is available as part of a requestable public preview, CI-35516. To request this feature, contact your IBM Sales representative or IBM contact and indicate your interest in enabling this capability. If you have permission to create a support ticket, create a support ticket with the public preview number. Note: IBM Security Verify trial subscriptions cannot create support tickets.

This page is the template of an email that is sent to the requester if the approver seeks additional information from requester. The IBM Security Verify email requester justification request page is located in the templates/notifications/request/requestor directory within the themes compressed file.

The macros for this page are shown in the following table.

Table 10. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@APPLICATION.NAME@ The name of the application.
@APPLICATION.ID@ The ID of the application.
@REQUEST.REFERENCE@ The reference or name of the parent request.
@REQUEST.NUMBER@ The request number of the access request.
@ACCESS_DETAILS@ The details of an access request that includes the request ID, access name, and application name.
@APPROVER.FULLNAME@ The full name of the approver.
@JUSTIFICATION.TEXT@ The justification that is provided by the approver.

To change the page header, footer, and style on the user registration page, see Create common branding.