Modify Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) Notification pages

You can customize the IBM® Security Verify Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) notification pages for your business. MFA notification pages are sent to the user when a MFA factor has been modified.

For more information about MFA, see Configuring authentication factors and Managing user multi-factor authentication (MFA) enrollments.

To update the MFA notification factor pages, download the compressed theme file. Edit the pages as needed and then upload the updated theme files back to your Verify tenant. For more information, see Updating a theme.

Text changes can be made to the pages by using HTML markup. The HTML files also contain macros. Macros are characters between the @ symbol where the data is rendered at run time. Don't change the macros in the files.

The IBM Security Verify MFA notification pages are located in the templates\notifications\user_management\mfa\ directory within the themes compressed file.IBM Security Verify supports email and SMS factors.


MFA email notifications are available for factor add, remove, and update activities. The pages are located in the templates\notifications\user_management\mfa\email\default directory.

The MFA email notifications pages are:
Modify MFA email notification factor added page
This email page is sent to the user when a MFA factor is added. Update the factor_added.xml file to modify the page.
Modify MFA email notification factor removed page
This email page is sent to the user when a MFA factor is removed. Update the factor_removed.xml file to modify the page.
Modify MFA email notification factor updated page
This email page is sent to the user when a MFA factor is updated. Update the factor_updated.xml file to modify the page.
The following label is available on the MFA email notification pages. To update the text on these labels, see Customizing labels.

The macros for MFA email notification pages are shown in the following table.

Table 1. Macro definitions
Macro Value that replaces the macro
@USER_FRIENDLY_NAME@ The user's name.
@USERNAME@ The username of the user.
@TENANT@ The name of the Verify tenant.

See Personalize themes with user attributes to add more customizations to your MFA email notification pages.


MFA SMS notifications are available for factor add, remove and update activities. The pages are located in the templates\notifications\user_management\mfa\sms\default directory.

The MFA SMS notifications pages are:
Modify MFA SMS notification factor added page
This SMS page is sent to the user when a MFA factor is added. Update the factor_added.xml file to modify the page.
Modify MFA SMS notification factor removed page
This SMS page is sent to the user when a MFA factor is removed. Update the factor_removed.xml file to modify the page.
Modify MFA SMS notification factor updated page
This SMS page is sent to the user when a MFA factor is updated. Update the factor_updated.xml file to modify the page.