Modify forgot password pages
You can customize the IBM® Security Verify forgot password pages for your business.
To update the forgot password pages, download the compressed themes file. Edit the pages as needed and then upload the updated themes file back to your tenant. For details, see Updating a theme.
Text changes can be made to the pages by using HTML markup. The HTML files also contain macros. Macros are characters between the @ symbol where the data is rendered at run time. Do not change the macros in the files.
The IBM Security Verify forgot password pages for English are located in the templates\authentication\login\cloud_directory\password\forgot_password\default\ directory within the compressed theme file. The translated pages that are available are located in the templates\authentication\login\cloud_directory\password\forgot_password\<locale>\ directories within the compressed theme file.
You can customize the following change password pages:
This page is displayed when the user requests help with a forgotten password. Update the forgot_password.html file to modify the page.
The macros for this page are shown in the following table.
Macro | Value that replaces the macro |
@ACTION@ | The action that is taken. |
@LABEL_USER_NAME_INSTRUCTION@ | The label name for the username instructions. |
@PAGE_FOOTER@ | The HTML that contains the footer of the page. This code can be modified by customizing the footer.html common template. |
@PAGE_HEADER@ | The HTML that contains the header of the page. This code can be modified by customizing the header.html common template. |
@THEME_ID@ | The ID of the registered template theme. |
This page is displayed when the forgotten password is changed. Update the forgot_password_success.html file to modify the page.
The macros for this page are shown in the following table.
Macro | Value that replaces the macro |
@LABEL_TITLE@ | Page title. |
@MESSAGE@ | A message to display additional information. |
@PAGE_FOOTER@ | The HTML that contains the footer of the page. This code can be modified by customizing the footer.html common template. |
@PAGE_HEADER@ | The HTML that contains the header of the page. This code can be modified by customizing the header.html common template. |
@THEME_ID@ | The ID of the registered template theme. |
The email sent to the user when the account does not exist. Update the reset_password_noaccount_email.xml file to modify the page.
The macros for this page are shown in the following table.
Macro | Value that replaces the macro |
@TENANT@ | The name of the tenant. |
The email sent to the user with a link to reset the password. Update the password_recovery_email.xml file to modify the page.
The macros for this page are shown in the following table.
Macro | Value that replaces the macro |
@EXPIRY@ | The number of minutes until the link expires. |
@PASSWORD_RECOVERY_LINK@ | The recovery link that is emailed to the user. The macro is used by the email_password_recovery.xml template. |
@TENANT@ | The name of the tenant. |
@USER_FRIENDLY_NAME@ | The users name. |
This page is displayed when a forgotten password is reset. Update the reset_password_complete.xml file to modify the page.
The macros for this page are shown in the following table.
Macro | Value that replaces the macro |
@TENANT@ | The name of the tenant. |
@USERNAME | The username of the user. |
To change the page header, footer, and style for the forgot password pages, see Create common branding.