BX Messages
CSIBX0000E An internal error occurred in the service.
The server cannot process the request because of an internal error. This error might be a temporary system or network problem. If it persists contact your administrator.
Check the logs to determine the issue and the corrective action.
CSIBX0001E You are not authorized to access this resource.
You do not have the necessary credentials to access this resource. If you need to use this resource, contact your administrator to request access to the resource.
Check the logs for errors.
CSIBX0002E You are not authorized to access this resource.
You do not have the necessary entitlements to access this resource. If you need to use this resource, contact your administrator to request access to the resource.
Review and assign the required entitlements for the requested resource to the user.
CSIBX0003E The tenant host name was not found.
Either the tenant does not exist, the host name was incorrectly entered, or the tenant is not active in the IBM Tenant Orchestration Portal.
Check that the host name was correctly entered. If correct, contact the Tenant Orchestration Portal Administrator to verify the tenant host name and status. If the tenant is disabled, request to change its status to active.
CSIBX0004E The request failed because the request body contains improperly structured JSON.
The request parameter content type requires JSON format. The request body must follow the JSON syntax and must be well-formed. For more information about JSON syntax, see https://www.json.org.
Update the request body to comply with the JSON format. For more information, see https://www.json.org.
CSIBX0005E The request is invalid: [message]
The request parameter content type requires JSON format. The request body must follow the JSON syntax and must be well-formed. For more information about JSON syntax, see https://www.json.org.
Update the request body to use the appropriate JSON structure for the requested action. For more information, see https://www.json.org.
CSIBX0006E The value [value] is invalid.
The request cannot be processed because the request body must contain only property values that are allowed values.
Specify an allowable value for the property and resubmit the request.
CSIBX0007E The system cannot process the request because the property [name] is either invalid or missing.
The request body must contain all required properties and cannot contain any invalid properties.
Update the request body to use the appropriate JSON structure for the requested action. For more information, see https://www.json.org.
CSIBX0008E Invalid client credentials were provided.
The client credentials provided in the request contain an incorrect client ID or an incorrect client secret.
Ensure that the client credentials are valid.
CSIBX0009E The service is disabled.
The request cannot be completed because the service is disabled in the subscription.
Ensure that the service is enabled.
CSIBX0010E Too many requests were issued during the time period.
The resource can accept only a certain number of requests during the time period. Wait before you issue subsequent requests.
Allow sufficient time to pass before you issue subsequent requests.
CSIBX0011E The push token provided is invalid.
The push notification token provided is invalid. This may occur if the related registration was created using an out of date version of the IBM Security Verify mobile app.
Ensure the related IBM Security Verify mobile app is up to date, and allow sufficient time to pass for the push token to be updated.