BP Messages
CSIBP0000E An internal error occurred in the Developer Portal Service.
The server cannot process the request because of an internal error. This error might be a temporary system or network problem. If it persists contact your administrator.
Check the logs to determine the issue and the corrective action.
CSIBP0001E You are not authorized to access this resource.
You do not have the necessary credentials to access this resource. If you need to use this resource, contact your administrator to request access.
Check the logs for errors.
CSIBP0002E You are not authorized to access this resource.
You do not have the necessary entitlements to access this resource. If you need to use this resource, contact your administrator to request access.
Review and assign the required entitlements for the requested resource.
CSIBP0003E The tenant does not exist or is disabled.
Either the tenant host name is incorrect as such there is no match found or the tenant is not active in the IBM Tenant Orchestration Portal.
Contact the Tenant Orchestration Portal Administrator to verify the tenant host name and status. If the tenant is disabled, request to change its status to active.
CSIBP0004E The request failed because the request body contains improperly structured JSON.
The request parameter content type requires JSON format so the request body must follow the JSON syntax and must be well-formed.
Update the request body to comply with the JSON format. For more information, see https://www.json.org.
CSIBP0005E The request is invalid: [ message ]
The request parameter content type requires JSON format so the request body must follow the JSON syntax and must be well-formed.
Update the request body to use the appropriate JSON structure for the requested action. For more information, see https://www.json.org.
CSIBP0006E The request is invalid because it contains the following property value [ value ], which is not one of the allowed values for this property. The allowed values are values .
The request cannot be processed because the request body must contain only property values that are allowed values.
Specify an allowable value for the property and resubmit the request.
CSIBP0007E The request is invalid: [ message ]
The application already exists.
Retry request with a name/ID that is non-conflicting with exists names/IDs.