BD messages

CSIBD0001E This error might be a temporary problem. Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, the error has no recovery option that you can take. Contact your Support team for assistance.


A temporary or permanent problem exists that requires further investigation.


Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, contact your Support team for assistance.

CSIBD0002E The requested resource is not found. Either the resource is not available, does not exist, or the request address is unknown.


No additional information is available for this message.


Consult the Maintenance and Problem Determination Guide for suggestions for assessing system health.

CSIBD0003E Your request cannot be processed because a possible cross-site request forgery is detected.


A cross-site request forgery attack involves an authenticated user issuing a forged request.


Verify that you are using a Security Verify URL with this format: https://<hostname> Otherwise, exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure again.

CSIBD0004E Your request cannot be processed because your subscription information is unavailable. Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, the error has no recovery option that you can take. Contact your Support team for assistance.


Subscription information is required to determine the UI content you are entitled.


Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, contact your Support team for assistance.

CSIBD0005W The application template cannot be retrieved because its template ID is invalid. Each application template is assigned with a numeric template ID. Check that the 'templateId' value in your bookmarked URL contains only numbers.


A template ID is valid if it is numeric and assigned to an application template.


Check that the 'templateId' value in your bookmarked URL contains only valid numbers. If the problem persists, access the template from the "Select Application Type" dialog box in the Applications page.

CSIBD0006E Your customizations cannot be saved because the value specified for [customizationKey] is invalid.


Each UI attribute follows a format that defines the valid values. If the value specified does not follow the expected format, the data is not accepted.


Change the value of the customizable UI attribute based on the required format.

CSIBD0007E Your customizations cannot be saved because the value provided for [customizationKey] is not a [type] data type.


Each UI attribute is assigned with a data type, which determines the range of values that are accepted. For example, a string data type consists of 0 to approximately 2 billion Unicode characters. If the value specified does not match the requirement based on the assigned data type, the data is not accepted.


Change the value of the customizable UI attribute to comply with the supported data type.

CSIBD0008E Your customizations cannot be saved because the value for [customizationKey] was not provided.


All required fields must have a value.


Provide a value for the customizable UI attribute.

CSIBD0009E Your customizations cannot be reset because of an internal error.


An internal error prevents the server from processing the request. This error might be a temporary problem or might require further assistance.


Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, contact your Support team for assistance.

CSIBD0010E Your customizations cannot be updated because of an internal error.


An internal error prevents the server from processing the request. This error might be a temporary problem or might require further assistance.


Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, contact your Support team for assistance.

CSIBD0011E Your customizations cannot be saved because [customizationKey] is missing a value.


The UI attribute value must not be empty.


Provide a value for the customizable UI attribute.

CSIBD0012E Your customizations cannot be saved because the value provided for [customizationKey] does not follow the CSS color specifications.


CSS describes how to display HTML elements. Colors can be specified by using their RGB, hexadecimal (HEX), or HSL (CSS3) values.


Change the value of the customizable UI attribute. Specify the color by using its RGB, HEX, or HSL equivalent in CSS.

CSIBD0013E Your customizations cannot be saved because the value provided for [customizationKey] must be at least [minLength] characters in length.


A minimum length value was set for the UI attribute. If the character length is lower than the configured minimum, the data is not accepted.


Provide a value that has the minimum required number of characters.

CSIBD0014E Your customizations cannot be saved because the value provided for [customizationKey] must not be greater than [maxLength] characters in length.


A maximum length value was set for the UI attribute. If the character length is more than the configured maximum, the data is not accepted.


Provide a value that does not exceed the maximum allowed number of characters.

CSIBD0015E Your directory preferences cannot be saved because the value provided for [directoryPreferenceKey] is not a [type] data type.


Each directory preference attribute is assigned with a data type, which determines the range of values that are accepted. For example, a string data type consists of 0 to approximately 2 billion Unicode characters. If the value specified does not match the requirement based on the assigned data type, the data is not accepted.


Change the value of the directory preference attribute to comply with the supported data type.

CSIBD0016E Your directory preferences cannot be saved because the value for [directoryPreferenceKey] was not provided.


All required fields must have a value.


Provide a value for the directory preference attribute.

CSIBD0017E Your directory preferences cannot be reset because of an internal error.


An internal error prevents the server from processing the request. This error might be a temporary problem or might require further assistance.


Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, contact your Support team for assistance.

CSIBD0018E Your directory preferences cannot be updated because of an internal error.


An internal error prevents the server from processing the request. This error might be a temporary problem or might require further assistance.


Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, contact your Support team for assistance.

CSIBD0019E errorMessage


A problem exists with this function. The text of the message provides information about the problem. The problem might be temporary. Try the request again later.


Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, contact your support team for assistance.

CSIBD0020E An error has occurred: Status code statusCode


A problem exists with this function. The problem might be temporary. Try the request again later.


Exit the UI, log in, and try the procedure later. If the problem persists, contact your support team for assistance.

CSIBD0021E The requested analytics event cannot be created because the content format is invalid. The payload content must be valid JSON.


The requested analytics event must follow the specified content format. The payload content must be valid JSON.


Correct the JSON and resubmit the request. If the problem persists, contact your support team for assistance.

CSIBD0022E The requested analytics event cannot be created because the content is invalid.


The requested analytics event must follow the specified content format.


Correct the content format and re submit the request. If the problem persists, contact your support team for assistance.

CSIBD0023E The requested analytics event cannot be created because an internal error occurred.


This issue might be caused by a temporary system or network problem. The text of the message provides information about the problem.


Exit the UI, log in, and resubmit the request later. If the problem persists, contact your support team for assistance.

CSIBD0024E The requested analytics event cannot be created because the value for [propertyKey] is missing.


The requested analytics event must contain all the required values.


Provide the missing value and resubmit the request. If the problem persists, contact your Support team for assistance.

CSIBD0025E The requested analytics event cannot be created because the value for [propertyKey] was not of type [propertyType].


The requested analytics event must adhere to the specified content format.


Correct the value for the type in the payload and resubmit the request. If the problem persists, contact your Support team for assistance.

CSIBD0026E You are not authorized to access this resource or to perform this task.


You have insufficient permission to access the resource or to perform the task.


Contact your administrator to request authorization to access the resource or to perform the task.

CSIBD0027E Your customizations cannot be saved because the string data that was entered for the client logo is not in base64 format.


You attempted to upload a string that was not a valid base64 encoded string


Correct the value for the type in the payload and resubmit the request. If the problem persists, contact your Support team for assistance.

CSIBD0028E Your customizations cannot be saved because the value provided for [customizationKey] must not be greater than [maxLength] KBs in size.


A maximum size was set for the UI attribute. If the size is more than the configured maximum, the data is not accepted.


Provide a logo that does not exceed the maximum size.

CSIBD0029E An error was received when we attempted contact the download site. The details are as follows [errorDetails].


Using your IBMid and your permission we attempted to retrieve a url for the downloads you have access to. There was an issue with contacting the server, not with your credentials or permissions. It's possible we are experiencing a network issue or an unexpected load that has cause a timeout. Try your request again and if the issue persists contact your Support team for assistance.


There was a backend technical issue, possible exceptions are : Protocol Exception, Malformed URL or an IO exception.