Installing the IBM Security Verify Gateway for Windows

An installation .zip file is provided for this component. The contains the setup_winlogon.exe installer.

Before you begin

Operating system requirements
  • Windows Server 2012 R2, 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2016, 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2019, 64-bit
System requirements
You must meet the minimum Windows Server operating system requirements that are specific to the actual operating system version.
Network Requirements
Port 443 open to the Verify tenant address (TLS).
Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64) version 14.14.26429. If not installed, the IBM® Verify Gateway for Windows Login installer (setup.exe) automatically initiates the download of the MicrosoftVisual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64) from the Microsoft website. If necessary, you can get this file directly from the MSDN website
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1
If not installed, the IBM Verify Gateway for Windows Login installer (setup.exe) automatically initiates the download of the Microsoft .NET Framework from the Microsoft website. If necessary, you can get this file directly from the MSDN website
IBM Security Verify API client
The client must have the following entitlements:
  • Authenticate any user
  • Read second-factor authentication enrollment for all users
  • Read users and groups

About this task

If the Microsoft Visual Studio redistributable or Microsoft .NET Framework are not installed, the setup.exe file tries to install them from Microsoft. If your internet options are configured to not allow downloads, the process fails. Obtain the files from and and install the files manually.

The installer registers the Verify Gateway for Windows Credential Provider and the Credential Provider for Windows Filter that accompanies the Verify Gateway for Windows Credential Provider in the Window Registry. The installer does not provide any Verify Gateway for Windows Login configuration. The configuration must be completed manually before the Verify Gateway for Windows Login can operate.

By default the product is installed into the C:\Program Files\IBM\WindowsLogin directory.


  1. Locate and Download the latest IBM Security Verify Gateway for Windows Login application from the App Exchange.
    This application consists of a .zip file that contains the installer executable and a README.txt file that lists the changes to IBM Security Verify Gateway for Windows Login.
    1. Go to
    2. Log in to the App Exchange.
    3. Search for IBM Security Verify Gateway.
    4. Select IBM Security Gateway for Windows Login.
    5. Download the application.
  2. Extract the file on the target Windows system.
    Windows Visual Studio 2017 64-bit redistributable package must be installed before you install this product. This product cannot operate without it. If it is not already installed, it is installed when you run the setup_winlogon.exe file.
  3. Run setup_winlogon.exe.
    1. Double click setup_winlogon.exe.
    2. Select a language.
    3. Click Install.
      If Windows Visual Studio 2017 64-bit redistributable is installed by the wizard, you might need to restart your computer and rerun setup_winlogon.exe.
    4. On the InstallShield Wizard, click Next.
    5. Accept the terms and click Next.
    6. Select the installation directory and click Next.
    7. Click Install.
    8. Click Finish.