Supervising campaigns

As a supervisor, you can monitor the progress of an access certification campaign.


  1. Click Switch to launchpad.
  2. Click the Task manager tab.
  3. Click the Access certification tab.
  4. Click Supervise campaigns.
    A summary of the number of campaigns is displayed. The total number of campaigns is broken down by campaign type, either user or group entitlement campaigns. Each campaign tile is displayed with the following details:
    • Name of the campaign
    • Records that need review
    • Type
    • Applications
    • Priority
    • End date
    • Time remaining
    If you click the list icon, the campaigns are displayed in a table with the following information.
    • Name of the campaign
    • Priority
    • Applications
    • Status
    • Reviewer progress
    • Start date
    • End date
  5. Click the campaign that you want to supervise.
    The campaign details are displayed along with the time that remains for the review. The campaign summary shows
    • How many reviewers completed their reviews.
    • How many records were approved or rejected for the campaign.
    • How many records that still need review.
    It also shows the status of all reviewers. If you want to view the progress of a specific reviewer, click the search icon and type the name in the field.
    • How many requests were approved.
    • How many requests were rejected.
    • How many requests still need to be reviewed.
    • The percentage of reviews that were completed.
    • The total number of records that were assigned to the reviewer.