Managing your MDM devices

You can view, and delete your devices that are registered to access IBM® Security Verify.

About this task

Devices must be registered through Microsoft Intune or Jamf.

When you delete a device from IBM Security Verify, it is not deleted from the device manager.


  1. From your profile menu, click Profile & settings.
  2. Click the Security tab to view your registered devices.
    Each device is displayed with the following information.
    Compliance state
    The device compliance as provided by Microsoft Intune or Jamf.
    Note: If the device compliance changes from non-compliant to compliant, the user must log in again to access applications that are protected by the compliance state.
    Enrollment date
    The time when the device was enrolled into the MDM provider.
    Last check-in date
    The time when the device last contacted the MDM provider.
    Serial number
    The device serial number.
    Updated as of
    The last known time when IBM Security Verify fetched the user and device information from Microsoft Intune or Jamf.
    Managed by
    The name of the MDM provider that manages the device.
  3. Optional: Refresh the list of your devices.
  4. Optional: Remove a registered device.
    1. Select the registered device that you want to remove from Verify.
    2. Click the Menu icon and select Remove device.
    3. Confirm that you want to delete the registered device.