Managing security questions

If the security questions feature is enabled for your tenant, you can answer the questions as a multi-factor authentication option.

About this task

Security questions are an older authentication method and are not as secure as other authentication factors. This feature is provided to accommodate the existing requirements of some customers. If you must use security questions, contact your tenant orchestration administrator to enable the security questions feature on your tenant.


  1. Log in to IBM® Security Verify.
  2. Set up security questions as an authentication factor.
    1. From your user profile menu, click Profile & Settings.
      Your Profile page is displayed.
    2. Click Security.
    3. Perform two factor authentication if necessary.
      Your Security page is displayed and shows whether you enrolled any devices in IBM Verify.
    4. To enroll in security questions, click the Edit icon.
      The Let's set up your security questions page is displayed.
    5. Provide answers for the three preset questions.
    6. Optional: If you want to set up more questions, click Add question and select them from the menu.
      You can add up to four more questions and cannot select duplicate questions.
    7. Click Save and close.
  3. Modify your security questions.
    1. From your user profile menu, click Profile & Settings.
      Your Profile page is displayed.
    2. Click Security.
    3. Perform two factor authentication if necessary.
      Your Security page is displayed and shows whether you enrolled any devices in IBM Verify.
    4. To change your security questions, click the Edit icon.
      The Change your security questions page is displayed.
    5. Click the answer field that you want to change.
      The field becomes readable when you type your new answer.
    6. Optional: If you selected more questions, you can delete any of those security questions.
      Note: You cannot delete the three preset security questions.
    7. Click Save and close.