Managing access certification requests
As a reviewer, you can approve, reject, or redirect the access requests of an access certification campaign.
- Click Switch to launchpad.
- Click the Task manager tab.
- Click the Access certification tab.
Click Review campaigns. A summary of the number of campaigns is displayed. The total number of campaigns is broken down by campaign type, user entitlement, group entitlement , and account campaigns. Each campaign tile is displayed with the following details:
- Name of the campaign
- Records that need review
- Type
- Applications
- Priority
- End date
- Time remaining
- Name of the campaign
- Priority
- Applications
- Progress
- Start date
- End date
- Click the campaign that you want to review. The campaign details are displayed along with the time that remains for the review.
- If not selected, click Needs review.
- Optional: Click Filters to filter the
results. You can select multiple filters.Note: Each filter category shows the number of selections that are available and how many requests were made for that category.You can filter by the following categories.
- User
- Select the checkboxes for the specific users whose requests you want to the review.
- Groups
- Select the checkboxes for the specific groups whose requests you want to the review.
- Application
- Select the checkboxes for the specific applications that you want to review requests for.
- Permission level
- Select the checkboxes for the permission level that you want to review requests for.
- Permission name
- Select the checkboxes for the permission that you want to review requests for.
- Entitled as
- Select the checkboxes for the entitlements that you want to review requests for.
- Optional: Click an individual user to see the user's entitlement
details. You can approve, reject, or redirect the access request from the details pop-out window.
- Select the checkbox for one or more users. For individual users, take one of the following actions.Note: If the campaign allows the reviewer to decide when the decision takes effect, you are given a choice after the comments field. Select the radio button for when you want the approval or rejection to take effect.
- Click the Approve icon, enter any comments, and click Approve to confirm the action.
- Click the Reject icon, enter any comments, and click Reject to confirm the action.
- Click the Redirect icon, enter the name or email address of the new reviewer, enter any comments, and click Redirect to confirm the action.
For multiple users, select the Approve all, Reject all, or Redirect all tabs. - Optional: Click Completed to see the decisions that you made for this campaign.