Granting user consent
If user consent is enabled on your application, when you launch the application, you can choose what scopes and API access entitlements the application can use on your behalf when it accesses the resource.
About this task
You can permit some of the API access entitlements. If you choose to permit and remember only some of the choices, the next time you launch the application, the previously saved API access entitlements are disabled. You can still choose to permit any of the remaining choices. If you elect to permit and remember any of the remaining choices, they will also be disabled the next time that you launch the application. When all API access entitlements are permitted and saved, you are no longer prompted for consent when you launch the application.
If you click Cancel, you cancel the launch of the application. When you click Cancel, the authorization flow stops and no tokens are generated. Any existing consents are not modified. The next time that you launch the application, all API accesses that were not permitted and saved are presented.
If you want to deny a previously saved choice, you can request that your administrator delete your consents for that application. You can then consent to the scopes and API accesses that you want to use for that application.
- Launch the application.
- Select or clear the check boxes for the scopes and entitlements that you want to permit or deny.
- If you want to save your permitted choices, ensure that the Remember my approved choice check box is selected.
- Click Continue or click Cancel.