Microsoft Azure Active Directory
You can use Microsoft Azure Active Directory to manage the user IDs and passwords that are used to access applications through Federated Single Sign-On with IBM® Security Verify. For this federation configuration, Azure Active Directory acts as the identity provider and Verify acts as the service provider.
- Configure Azure Active Directory as the identity provider. See Configuring Azure Active Directory as an identity provider.
- Update the Azure manifest for your application. See Updating the manifest.
- Configure Verify as the service provider. See Configuring IBM Security Verify as a service provider.
- Test the Single Sign-On connection. See Testing the single sign-on connection.
Azure Active Directory support for SAML 2.0
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft managed data centers.
Azure AD is a cloud-based identity and access management service. It has in-built federation capabilities and provides single sign-on to SaaS applications. The applications that are hosted on Azure can be Microsoft applications like office365 or nonMicrosoft applications such as Box, or Dropbox. Azure AD extends on-premises Active Directory into the cloud. Azure AD supports SAML 2.0 protocols to achieve the single sign-on.
For information about configuring single sign-on to applications that are not in the Azure Active Directory application gallery, see