Verifying the adapter installation

To determine whether the adapter is installed correctly, verify that required components exist.

The following components exist in the bin directory:
  • ADAgent.exe
  • agentCfg.exe
  • CertTool.exe
  • Exchg2010.dll
  • fipenable.exe
  • IsamTool.exe
  • regis.exe
  • LyncLib.dll
Initially, the data directory is empty.
The license directory contains files that provide license information in supported languages.
The log directory contains the adapter log files. After the adapter installation is complete, the adapter creates WinADAgent.log file.
Uninstall IBM Windows Active Directory Adapter (64 Bit)
The directory contains the Uninstall IBM Windows Active Directory Adapter (64 Bit).exe file. You can uninstall the adapter from agent server workstation by using the uninstaller.exe file.
After the adapter installation completes, ensure that windows service for Active Directory Agent is created and its status is Started. To view the windows service status:
  1. Click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services to display the Services page.
  2. Search for the service that is named ISIM Active Directory Adapter.
The adapter copies the following files to the system32 directory:
  • AdkApi.dll
  • ErmApi.dll
  • ErmApiDaml.dll
  • icudt57.dll
  • icuuc57.dll
  • libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
  • libssl-1_1-x64.dll

Review the installer log file IBM_Windows_Active_Directory_Adapter_(64_Bit)_InstallLog.log located in the installation directory for any errors.