Upgrading Verify Bridge on Docker

Use the following steps to upgrade the IBM Security Verify Bridge on Docker.


  1. Create a file docker-compose.yml with the following content.
    version: "3"
             image: icr.io/isv-saas/verify-bridge:latest
             container_name: verify-bridge
                    TRACE: "false"
                    LICENSE_ACCEPT: "yes"
                    TENANT_URI: "<tenantURL>"
                    CLIENT_ID: "<clientID>"
                    CLIENT_SECRET: "<clientSecret>"
             restart: always
    The TENANT_URI, CLIENT_ID, and CLIENT_SECRET are generated when the agent configuration is done in the IBM® Security Verify Configuration page.

    The Tenant URI must include the full URI scheme and domain name, for example https://tenant.verify.ibm.com.

    The client ID and client secret are provided to you after the configuration is complete. See Configuring the Verify Bridge and the identity source.

  2. To upgrade Verify Bridge on Docker, issue the following commands.
    docker stop verify-bridge
    docker rm verify-bridge
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml pull
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
  3. Verify that the containers started properly.
    Type the following command and observe the state of the containers.
    docker ps -a
  4. Optional: To view the Verify Bridge log and for troubleshooting, issue the following command.
    docker logs -f  verify-bridge