Adapter attributes and object classes
Adapter attributes and object classes are required for customization, creating provisioning rules, and understanding what service/target attributes are supported by the adapter. The IBM® Security Verify server communicates with the adapter by using attributes, which are included in transmission packets that are sent over a network. This topic is not applicable for this adapter.
The combination of attributes that is included in the packets depends on the type of action that the IBM Security Verify server requests from the Oracle Database Adapter.
Table1 is a listing of the attributes that are used by the Oracle Database Adapter. The table gives a brief description and corresponding column on the Oracle database (if applicable) for the value of the attribute.
Attribute | Description | Oracle column or table |
erOraServiceName | The SID/Service Name of the Oracle instance. | NA |
erOraSysPriv | The System Privilege assigned to the user. | PRIVILEGE/DBA_SYS_PRIV |
erOraDefaultTableSpace | The name of the default table space. | DEFAULT_TABLESPACE/DBA_USERS |
erOraTemporaryTableSpace | The name of the temporary table space. | TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE/DBA_USERS |
erOraTblSpcQuota | The maximum space allowed on a table space. | MAX_BYTES/DBA_TS_QUOTA |
erOraAuthenticationType | Specifies how the user is authenticated by Oracle. | PASSWORD/DBA_USERS |
erOraGlobalName | An external name that identifies the user. | EXTERNAL_NAME/DBA_USERS |
erOraTblspacesName | The name for the erOraTablespaces group. | TABLESPACE_NAME/DBA_TABLESPACES |
erOraPrflName | The name for the erOraProfiles group. | PROFILE/DBA_PROFILES |
erOraRolesName | The name for the erOraRoles group. | ROLE/DBA_ROLES |
erOraRole | The database roles assigned as default roles to the account. | ROLE, DEFAULT_ROLE/DBA_ROLE_PRIV |
erOraNonDefRole | The database roles assigned as non default roles (for example, password protected roles) to the account. | ROLE, DEFAULT_ROLE/DBA_ROLE_PRIV |
erOraProfile | The profile name assigned to the account. | PROFILE/DBA_USERS |
erOraExpirePwd | If true, set the password to expire. | ACCOUNT_STATUS/DBA_USERS |
erOraProxyUsers | The proxy user for this user. | PROXY/PROXY_USERS |
erOraRsrcConsumerGroup | The consumer group that a user can switch to. | GRANTED_GROUP/DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP_PRIVS |
erOraServiceHost | The host workstation where the Oracle service is running. | NA |
erOraServicePort | The port on which the Oracle service is listening. | NA |
erOraDefRsrcConsumerGroup | The default or initial resource consumer group for a user. If this attribute is not assigned to any value, the default value, DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP, is used. This attribute can have either above default value or some value from the resource consumer group list that are allowed for the user (though resource consumer group is multivalued attribute). Assigning any value outside this list will result in error on the resource. The erOraRsrcConsumerGroup and erOraDefRsrcConsumerGroup must have the same value. |
erOraExpiryDate | The expiry date of an Oracle account. | ACCOUNT_STATUS |
erOraCreateDate | The creation date of an Oracle account. | CREATED |
erOraLockDate | The lock date of an Oracle account. | LOCK_DATE |
erOraAccountStatusstr | The account status of an Oracle account. | ACCOUNT_STATUS |
erServiceUid | The Oracle resource administrator ID. | NA |
erPassword | The password for Oracle administrator. | PASSWORD/DBA_USERS |
erUid | The login name. | USERNAME/DBA_USERS |
erAccountStatus | The status of the account either enabled or disabled. | ACCOUNT_STATUS/DBA_USERS |
eroradonotcascadedelete | Do not Cascade on Delete. | NA |
eroraasoproperties | JDBC Thin Client Properties File Path | NA |