
This section provides more configuration for PAM modules.


"pam": {
  "trace-file": "/tmp/pam.log",
  "pam-ibm-auth": {
    "additional-args": {
      "prompt_trans_sms"="%I) Unvalidated SMS %N\n",
      "auth_method": "password-then-choice-then-otp",


"trace-file": "/tmp/pam.log"

When set, the pam module traces it's operations into the specified trace file. It is intended for problem resolution only.

"trace-rollover": 0
Specifies the approximate maximum size in bytes of the trace-file when the file is saved and a new empty trace-file is created. The trace-file is saved by renaming it by appending the current timestamp.
"trace-localtime": false
Specifies if the trace file timestamps should be in local time. By default the timestamps use UTC.
"trace-prefix-all": false
Specifies if all trace lines should be prefixed with a timestamp. By default the IBM Security Verify REST API request/response trace capture lines are only prefixed on the first line.