Managing identity proofing

IBM® Security Verify proofing flows allow for standards based integrations with third party identity proofing solutions. These proofing flows give the ability to capture and manage identity proofing data in a secure environment. After proofing is complete, IBM Security® Verify is used to control access to applications and services. Create a Verify identity proofing flow to make the user onboarding experience easier.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrative permission to complete this task.
  • Log in to the IBM Security Verify administration console as an Administrator. For more information, see Accessing IBM Security Verify.


  1. Select User experience > Identity proofing.

    If no previous identity proofing flows exist on your Verify tenant, only the Create flow button is displayed on the page. To create your first identity proofing flow, see Creating an identity proofing flow.

    If there are existing identity proofing flows on your Verify tenant, the page shows the total number of identity proofing flows or identity proofing flow tiles. The number of Published, Draft, or Disabled identity proofing flow states are displayed. The Created on and Last published dates for the identity proofing flow are also displayed on the tile.
    Note: An identity proofing flow can be in the Published state, but also have a Draft so the identity proofing flow would be counted in Total flows, in the Published state, and also in the Draft state. In this case, the number of Published, Draft, or Disabled identity proofing flow states does not add up to the Total flows since you have an identity proofing flow in both the Published and Draft states.
  2. Optional: Select the identity proofing flow tile to open the identity proofing flow or use the pull-down menu to Disable, Enable, Copy, or Delete an identity proofing flow. Click the Select checkbox and select the Delete icon on the toolbar to Delete multiple flows.