Configuring provisioning for Webex Teams

Use this task to provision users from Verify to a Webex Teams application.

Before you begin

You need the bearer token that is generated for Webex Teams to configure user provisioning in Verify.

About this task

Provisioning provides the following features.
Create new users
New users that are created through Verify are also created in the Webex Team application.
Delete users
Deactivating the user or disabling the user's access to the application through Verify deletes the user in the Webex Team application.
Modify user profile
Updates made to the user's profile through Verify are pushed to the Webex Team application.
User suspend and restore
Suspending a user through Verify deactivates the user and restoring the user through Verify activates the user in the Webex Team application.


  1. In a new browser tab or window, hit this URL.
    You are redirected to the Webex Teams login page.
  2. Log in as an administrator to the organization for which you wish to generate a bearer token.
    You are redirected to an error page. The URL of the error page contains the bearer token.
  3. Copy and save the bearer token from the URL.
    The bearer token is between the access_token= and the &token_type parameters.
    For example, in the URL, copy the actual value that is displayed as <Copy this bearer token> in this URL. http://localhost:3000/auth/code#access_token=<Copy this bearer token>&token_type=Bearer&expires_in=3887999&state=this-should-be-a-random-string-for-security-purpose