Configuring provisioning for Custom applications

Use this task to provision users from Verify to a Custom application.

Before you begin

To create a Custom application, the endpoint must be SCIM compliant and you need a SCIM Base URL and a Bearer token.
Note: To validate a base url- hit GET call, by using the base URL through postman, such as GET <endpoint baseURL>/Users, ensure that the response is 200 OK with list a of accounts that are present on endpoint.

About this task

Provisioning provides the following features.
Create new users
New users that are created through Verify are also created in the endpoint on which the custom application is configured.
Delete users
Deactivating the user or disabling the user's access to the application through Verify deletes the user in the endpoint on which the Custom application is configured.
Modify user profile
Updates made to the user's profile through Verify are pushed to the Custom application.
User suspend and restore
Suspending a user through Verify deactivates the user and restoring the user through Verify activates the user in the Custom application.
User synchronization and remediation
User synchronization and remediation are supported through APIs only. Synchronization fetches all the Custom application users and creates the users on Verify, and according to the remediation policy, modifies the attributes.
Fine grained entitlement
Fine grained entitlement is not supported for the Custom application.
Supported authentication types
Custom applications support the following authentication types.
  • OAuth Bearer Token
  • OAuth
  • JSON Web Token
  • Basic Authentication
To create a custom application, a SCIM Base URL is needed and the mandatory attributes must be specified for the authentication type that is selected.


  1. Log in as an administrator user to the application.
  2. Follow the instructions that are documented in the application.
  3. Provide the value of the SCIM Base URL and the mandatory attribute values for the authentication type.
  4. Map the API attributes with the attribute sources according to the requirements.