Request parameters

Depending on the API endpoint or target resource, you might have to define the following parameters in your API request call:
Form data
Use these parameters to request for an access token that your API client needs for subsequent API request calls:
Table 1. Form data parameters
Parameters Description
client_id The client ID that is assigned to the API client.
client_secret The client secret that is assigned to the API client.
grant_type It is set to client_credentials.
scope A space-delimited list of scopes that is associated with this token. The valid scope for API clients is openid.
Verify requires the following information in the HTTP header:
Table 2. Header parameters
Parameters Description
Content Type

In a request header, it indicates the type of data that the client sent to the server. In a response header, it indicates the type of data that is returned to the client.

For example,
-H "Content-type: application/json"

It indicates the type of content that the client can understand and accept in a response.

For example,
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Accept: image/png"
Location The URL of the newly created object in the POST HTTP method header. For example, /<resource-noun>/<resource-id>.
Accept-Language The language that the client understands or prefers.
Query parameters
The following parameters are optional, depending on what and how you want to return the results of your API request.
Table 3. Query parameters
Parameters Description
If no pagination parameters are passed in, all results are returned. The maximum allowed value for limit or count is 1000.
  • count is the total number of results to be returned from the data store.
  • page is the requested page.
  • limit is the total number of results to return in one page.

Each attribute must be prefixed with either + or - (+ ascending, - descending).

Multiple attributes must be separated by a comma (,).

Valid operators for:
  • Strings are = , != and contains
  • Booleans are = and !=
  • Numbers are >=, >, <=, <, =, and !=
filter Valid formats are either inclusive only or exclusive only. Multiple filter parameters must be separated by a comma (,).

Use this parameter for POST, PUT, and PATCH requests. Define here the attributes and values that are to be created or updated. Click the data type Model or Example Value to view the attributes that you must define in the body, including the format and sample value.

Parameter content type is application/json. The content is stored in JSON file format.