Configuring IBM Security Verify as a service provider

After you configure Azure Active Directory as an identity provider, you must configure Verify as the service provider.

About this task

For more information about configuring identity sources, see Managing identity providers.


  1. Log in to Verify as an administrator.
  2. Click Configuration > Identity sources.
  3. Click Add identity source.
  4. Select SAML Enterprise as the type of identity source and click Next.
    The illustration shows that SAML Enterprise is selected as the identity source type.
  5. Provide a unique name for the SAML integration.
    Type a name that clearly identifies the new identity source, such as AZURE.
  6. Click the enable icon.
  7. Select how the SAML single sign-on is initiated.
    • Service Provider
    • Identity Provider
      Obtain the identity provider SSO URL.
      1. Log in to the Azure Active Directory portal as an administrator.
      2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise Applications > All Applications.
      3. Select your application and click Properties.
      4. The value of the User access URL property is the IDP-initiated SSO URL that you use to create the identity source.
      The illustration shows the value of the User access URL property.
      An Azure AD IDP SSO URL has the format
  8. Upload the Azure AD metadata file that you downloaded in Configuring Azure Active Directory as an identity provider step 10i.
    1. Click the Selected File area in Step 1 to browse to the metadata file that you downloaded previously.
    2. Select the file and click Open.
      The file is displayed as the Selected File.
    The illustration shows the metadata file as the Selected File.
  9. Click Save.