userNameccountNamesAMA |
User's logon name |
preferred_username |
String |
Yes |
No |
givenName |
User's given name |
given_name |
String |
No |
Yes |
Sn |
Users second name |
family_name |
String |
No |
Yes |
cn |
User's common name |
name |
String |
No |
No |
description |
Any descriptive information about the user object |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
middleName |
User's middle name |
middle_name |
String |
No |
Yes |
displayName |
User's display name |
name |
String |
No |
Yes |
userPrincipalName |
Name of a system user in an email address format |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
personalTitle |
User's title |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
generationQualifier |
For user to add suffix strings |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
initials |
User's initials |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
mail |
User's email address |
email |
String |
No |
Yes |
title |
User's job title |
job_title |
String |
No |
Yes |
msRADIUSCallbackNumber |
The value that is used by the Microsoft Network Access Protection (NAP) |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
erADSmartCardRequired |
Smart card authentication |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
erADExDialin |
Users's dial-in access - Allowed, Denied, or Control Access through Remote Access
policy |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
telephoneNumber |
User's telephone number |
mobile_number |
String |
No |
Yes |
homePhone |
User's home telephone number |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
mobile |
mobile telephone number |
mobile_number |
String |
No |
Yes |
pager |
User's pager number |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
facsimileTelephoneNumber |
User's fax number |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
l |
User's city or location name |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
St |
User's state location |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
streetAddress |
User's street address |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
postalCode |
User's postal code |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
postOfficeBox |
Users post office box number |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
countryCode |
User's country code |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
employeeID |
User's employee ID |
employee_id |
String |
No |
Yes |
company |
User's company |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
department |
User's department |
department |
String |
No |
Yes |
division |
User's division |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
manager |
User's manager |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
physicalDeliveryOfficeName |
Description of the office, for example, building number |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
userWorkstations |
User's workstations |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
pwdLastSet |
Date and time of the last password change for the account |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
erADNoChangePassword |
Reset password |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
erADPasswordNeverExpires |
User's password never expires |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
erADAllowEncryptedPassword |
Store encrypted password |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
erADPasswordMinimumLength |
Minimum length of the password |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
erADPasswordRequired |
Password required |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
badPwdCount |
Number of user's failed authentication attempts |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
lockoutTime |
Date and time that the account was locked out for Intruder Detection |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
erADTrustedForDegation |
Account can be delegated |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
profilePath |
User's profile path |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
homeDirectory |
User's home directory for the account |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
homeDrive |
Drive letter to which to map the UNC path specified by homeDirectory |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Contains the URL address for a website |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
scriptPath |
Path for the user's logon script |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
erADCannotBeDelegated |
Account cannot be delegated |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
mailNickname |
Specifies the alias for the Exchange mailbox. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
delivContLength |
Specifies the maximum size for incoming message. |
None |
Integer |
No |
Yes |
submissionContLength |
Specifies the maximum size in KBs of a message that is sent from the recipient. |
None |
Integer |
No |
Yes |
mDBUseDefaults |
Specifies whether to use only default sore values for storage limits, or to use other
properties that pertain to the Mailbox. |
None |
Boolean |
No |
Yes |
mDBOverHardQuotaLi mit |
Specifies the maximum Mailbox size in KB when sending and receiving email is
disabled. |
None |
Integer |
No |
Yes |
mDBOverQuotaLimit |
Specifies the maximum size of a Mailbox in KB before sending messages is suspended. |
None |
Integer |
No |
Yes |
msExchRecipLimit |
Specifies the maximum number of people to whom the recipient can send email. |
None |
Integer |
No |
Yes |
mDBStorageQuota |
Specifies a limit when the recipient receives a warning for exceeding their mail file storage
allocation. |
None |
Integer |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute1 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute2 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute3 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute4 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute5 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute6 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute7 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute8 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute19 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute10 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute11 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute12 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute13 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute14 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
extensionAttribute15 |
Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Language |
Specifies languages. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Enable Outlook Web Access |
Specifies whether to enable or disable Outlook Web Access |
None |
Boolean |
No |
Yes |
Enable MAPI |
Specifies whether MAPI is enabled. |
None |
Boolean |
No |
Yes |
BlockOutlookRpcHttp |
Specifies whether to block Outlook Rpc. |
None |
Boolean |
No |
Yes |
POP3 Enabled |
Specifies whether POP3 is enable. |
None |
Boolean |
No |
Yes |
POP3 use default format |
Specifies whether the default POP3 format is used |
None |
Boolean |
No |
Yes |
POP3 format |
Specifies the POP3 format |
None |
Integer |
No |
Yes |
IMAP4 Enabled |
Specifies whether to enable or disable MAPI support. |
None |
Boolean |
No |
Yes |
IMAP4 use default format |
Specifies whether to use the default IMAP4 format. |
None |
Boolean |
No |
Yes |
IMAP4 format |
Specifies the IMAP4 format. |
None |
Integer |
No |
Yes |
SMTP Email Address |
Specifies the primary SMTP address that is used for the recipient. |
None |
String |
No |
No |
publicDelegates |
Specifies the list of all users that have access to the Exchange Mailbox |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
proxyAddresses |
Specifies a list of proxy addresses for the recipient. |
None |
String |
No |
No |
Authorig |
Specifies a list of email IDs that the user accepts mail from. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
accountExpires |
Specifies the date and time after which the user cannot log in. |
None |
Date |
No |
Yes |
Registrar Pool |
Specifies the Lync Registrar Pool. From supporting data erADLyncPool. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
msRTCSIPUserEnabled |
Specifies whether the Lync account is enabled. |
None |
Boolean |
No |
Yes |
msRTCSIPPrimaryUserAddress |
Specfies the primary SIP address . |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Telephony |
Specifies the Lync Telephony setting. |
None |
Integer |
No |
Yes |
msRTCSIP-Line |
Specifies Lync Line URI. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Conferencing policy |
Specifies the Lync Conferencing Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Client Version Policy |
Specifies the Lync Client Version Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Pin Policy |
Specifies the Lync PIN Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
External Access Policy |
Specifies the Lync External Access Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Archiving Policy |
Specifies the Lync Archiving Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Location Policy |
Specifies the Lync Location Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Client Policy |
Specifies the Lync Client Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Dial Plan Policy |
Specifies the Lync Dial Plan Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Voice Policy |
Specifies the Lync Voice Pool. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Mobility Policy |
Specifies the Lync Mobility Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |
Persistent Chat Policy |
Specifies the Lync Persistent Chat Policy. |
None |
String |
No |
Yes |