Active Directory supported attributes and error handling

Supported attributes

Table 1. Attributes
Attribute name Description Mapped Cloud Directory attribute (Default mapping) Type Mandatory Modifiable
userNameccountNamesAMA User's logon name preferred_username String Yes No
givenName User's given name given_name String No Yes
Sn Users second name family_name String No Yes
cn User's common name name String No No
description Any descriptive information about the user object None String No Yes
middleName User's middle name middle_name String No Yes
displayName User's display name name String No Yes
userPrincipalName Name of a system user in an email address format None String No Yes
personalTitle User's title None String No Yes
generationQualifier For user to add suffix strings None String No Yes
initials User's initials None String No Yes
mail User's email address email String No Yes
title User's job title job_title String No Yes
msRADIUSCallbackNumber The value that is used by the Microsoft Network Access Protection (NAP) None String No Yes
erADSmartCardRequired Smart card authentication None String No Yes
erADExDialin Users's dial-in access - Allowed, Denied, or Control Access through Remote Access policy None String No Yes
telephoneNumber User's telephone number mobile_number String No Yes
homePhone User's home telephone number None String No Yes
mobile mobile telephone number mobile_number String No Yes
pager User's pager number None String No Yes
facsimileTelephoneNumber User's fax number None String No Yes
l User's city or location name None String No Yes
St User's state location None String No Yes
streetAddress User's street address None String No Yes
postalCode User's postal code None String No Yes
postOfficeBox Users post office box number None String No Yes
countryCode User's country code None String No Yes
employeeID User's employee ID employee_id String No Yes
company User's company None String No Yes
department User's department department String No Yes
division User's division None String No Yes
manager User's manager None String No Yes
physicalDeliveryOfficeName Description of the office, for example, building number None String No Yes
userWorkstations User's workstations None String No Yes
pwdLastSet Date and time of the last password change for the account None String No Yes
erADNoChangePassword Reset password None String No Yes
erADPasswordNeverExpires User's password never expires None String No Yes
erADAllowEncryptedPassword Store encrypted password None String No Yes
erADPasswordMinimumLength Minimum length of the password None String No Yes
erADPasswordRequired Password required None String No Yes
badPwdCount Number of user's failed authentication attempts None String No Yes
lockoutTime Date and time that the account was locked out for Intruder Detection None String No Yes
erADTrustedForDegation Account can be delegated None String No Yes
profilePath User's profile path None String No Yes
homeDirectory User's home directory for the account None String No Yes
homeDrive Drive letter to which to map the UNC path specified by homeDirectory None String No Yes
wWWHomePage Contains the URL address for a website None String No Yes
scriptPath Path for the user's logon script None String No Yes
erADCannotBeDelegated Account cannot be delegated None String No Yes
mailNickname Specifies the alias for the Exchange mailbox. None String No Yes
delivContLength Specifies the maximum size for incoming message. None Integer No Yes
submissionContLength Specifies the maximum size in KBs of a message that is sent from the recipient. None Integer No Yes
mDBUseDefaults Specifies whether to use only default sore values for storage limits, or to use other properties that pertain to the Mailbox. None Boolean No Yes
mDBOverHardQuotaLi mit Specifies the maximum Mailbox size in KB when sending and receiving email is disabled. None Integer No Yes
mDBOverQuotaLimit Specifies the maximum size of a Mailbox in KB before sending messages is suspended. None Integer No Yes
msExchRecipLimit Specifies the maximum number of people to whom the recipient can send email. None Integer No Yes
mDBStorageQuota Specifies a limit when the recipient receives a warning for exceeding their mail file storage allocation. None Integer No Yes
extensionAttribute1 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute2 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute3 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute4 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute5 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute6 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute7 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute8 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute19 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute10 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute11 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute12 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute13 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute14 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
extensionAttribute15 Specifies a user-defined extension attribute. None String No Yes
Language Specifies languages. None String No Yes
Enable Outlook Web Access Specifies whether to enable or disable Outlook Web Access None Boolean No Yes
Enable MAPI Specifies whether MAPI is enabled. None Boolean No Yes
BlockOutlookRpcHttp Specifies whether to block Outlook Rpc. None Boolean No Yes
POP3 Enabled Specifies whether POP3 is enable. None Boolean No Yes
POP3 use default format Specifies whether the default POP3 format is used None Boolean No Yes
POP3 format Specifies the POP3 format None Integer No Yes
IMAP4 Enabled Specifies whether to enable or disable MAPI support. None Boolean No Yes
IMAP4 use default format Specifies whether to use the default IMAP4 format. None Boolean No Yes
IMAP4 format Specifies the IMAP4 format. None Integer No Yes
SMTP Email Address Specifies the primary SMTP address that is used for the recipient. None String No No
publicDelegates Specifies the list of all users that have access to the Exchange Mailbox None String No Yes
proxyAddresses Specifies a list of proxy addresses for the recipient. None String No No
Authorig Specifies a list of email IDs that the user accepts mail from. None String No Yes
accountExpires Specifies the date and time after which the user cannot log in. None Date No Yes
Registrar Pool Specifies the Lync Registrar Pool. From supporting data erADLyncPool. None String No Yes
msRTCSIPUserEnabled Specifies whether the Lync account is enabled. None Boolean No Yes
msRTCSIPPrimaryUserAddress Specfies the primary SIP address . None String No Yes
Telephony Specifies the Lync Telephony setting. None Integer No Yes
msRTCSIP-Line Specifies Lync Line URI. None String No Yes
Conferencing policy Specifies the Lync Conferencing Policy. None String No Yes
Client Version Policy Specifies the Lync Client Version Policy. None String No Yes
Pin Policy Specifies the Lync PIN Policy. None String No Yes
External Access Policy Specifies the Lync External Access Policy. None String No Yes
Archiving Policy Specifies the Lync Archiving Policy. None String No Yes
Location Policy Specifies the Lync Location Policy. None String No Yes
Client Policy Specifies the Lync Client Policy. None String No Yes
Dial Plan Policy Specifies the Lync Dial Plan Policy. None String No Yes
Voice Policy Specifies the Lync Voice Pool. None String No Yes
Mobility Policy Specifies the Lync Mobility Policy. None String No Yes
Persistent Chat Policy Specifies the Lync Persistent Chat Policy. None String No Yes

Error handling

Table 2. Error codes
Sr. No. Status code Definition
1. 400 Invalid input error
2. 401 Authentication error
3. 404 Resource not found error
4 409 Resource conflict error
5 500 Internal server error
6. 503 Endpoint connection error