Managing privacy profiles

Privacy profiles define collection of end user license agreements (EULAs), purposes, and attributes that can be used together.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrative permission to complete this task.
  • Log in to the IBM® Security Verify administration console.

About this task


  1. Select Data privacy & consent > Data privacy profiles.
    Note: If you are accessing ProfilesData privacy profiles for the first time, the Create data privacy profiles page is displayed. Select Create profile and skip to step 3.
    The profiles are displayed with their name, description, purposes and EULAs, and last modified. You can use the search function to find a specific profile.
  2. Select Create profile.
  3. On the General settings page, provide the following information.
    1. Provide a profile name.
      The name must be unique and cannot be longer than 100 characters.
    2. Optional: Provide a profile ID.
      If you do not provide an ID, one is generated when you save the profile.
    3. Optional: Provide a description for the profile.
  4. Select Next.
  5. Select the purposes to be used in the profile.
    1. Select Add purpose.
    2. Select Find and select a purpose.
      Select a purpose from drop-down menu or search for a purpose by typing its name in the field.
    3. Select the user attribute and access types.
    4. Select whether the user must explicitly approve the selected access types.
    5. Select Add.
    6. Optional: Repeat these steps to add more purposes.
    7. Optional: Select the icons to edit or delete the purposes.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Select the EULAs to be used in the profile.
    1. Select Add EULA.
    2. Select Choose EULAs.
      Select one or more EULAs from drop-down menu or search for an EULA by typing its name in the field.
    3. Select Add.
    4. Select whether the user must explicitly approve the selected EULAs.
    5. Optional: Hover over the EULA and select the delete icon to remove the EULA from the profile.
  8. Select Create profile.
  9. Optional: Edit a privacy profile.
    1. Open the profile in edit mode.
      Use either of these methods.
      • Select Edit profile from the open and close list of options icon.
      • Select the profile and select Edit profile on the policy details page.
    2. Modify the information.
      Note: You cannot change the Profile ID.
      • You can change the name and description.
      • You can add, edit, or remove purposes.
      • You can add or remove EULAs, or change the approval settings.
    3. Select Save.
  10. Optional: Delete a privacy profile.
    • Select Delete profile from the open and close list of options icon.
    • Select the profile and select Delete on the policy details page.