Usage instructions for Oracle 12c support

The Oracle DB adapter can be now used to manage Oracle 12c container database.

However, the Central Database (CDB) and each Pluggable Database (PDB) that are connected to it, must be managed separately through separate services from IBM® Security Verify Identity Manager.

Adapter user account for managing the Oracle 12c container database:

CDB can be managed by using common users
PDB can be managed by using local users only

Add/Modify account operation

For CDB:

A root container service must create an account name that starts with C##. If it tries to create a user without C## in username, an error is thrown.
When a common user is creating a common user account, the DEFAULT TABLESPACE, TEMPORARY TABLESPACE, QUOTA, and PROFILE must reference objects that exist in all containers. So, if the object does not exist in all containers, it throws an error.
To assign/grant a privilege to common user commonly we need to provide container value as CONTAINER=ALL.

For PDB:

A PDB container service must not create an account starting with C##. If it tries to create user with C## in username, error is thrown.

Reconciliation Operations

For CDB: Common users are managed through CDB services.
For PDB: Only local users are managed through PDB services.