Standard attributes

After you install the adapter profile, the LDAP Adapter supports a standard set of attributes.

Table1 lists the standard inetOrgPerson attributes supported by the LDAP Adapter.
Table 1. Attributes supported by the LDAP Adapter
Standard attributes
businessCategory homePostalAddress preferredLanguage
carLicense initials registeredAddress
cn l roomNumber
departmentNumber mail secretary
description manager sn
destinationIndicator mobile st
displayName pager street
employeeNumber physicalDeliveryOfficeName telephoneNumber
employeeType postalAddress teletexTerminalIdentifier
facisimileTelephoneNumber postalCode telexNumber
givenName postOfficeBox title
homePhone preferreddeliverymethod userPassword
Table 2 lists the standard groupOfNames and groupOfUniqueNames attributes supported by the LDAP Adapter.
Table 2. Attributes supported by the LDAP Adapter
Attribute Description
erldapservicegroup Specifies the name of the group.
erldapgroupdescription Specifies a brief description about the group.
erldapgroupfullname Specifies full name of the group.
erldapgroupowner Specifies the owner of the group.
erldapgroupbusinesscategory Specifies the group business category.
erldapgrouporganization Specifies the group organization.
erldapgrouporganizationalunit Specifies the group organizational unit.
erldapgroupseealso See Also.