Configuring Network Data Encryption and Integrity for Thin JDBC Clients

Network data encryption and Integrity for JDBC thin clients is a feature of Oracle Advanced security, which lets thin Java database connectivity (JDBC) clients to securely connect and communicate with the Oracle database.

About this task

To enable this feature, you must:

  • Configure certain properties in the JDBC thin client properties file.
  • Specify the file path on the service form containing these Java properties.


  1. Extract the adapter package.
  2. Locate the OraPropertiesFile folder from the package.
  3. Edit the file.

    This file contains several configuration properties. Identify the properties that match your setup and specify the values accordingly.

    The following is an example content of the properties file                                         
    Note: The file uses a standard format where the first line always contains a comment (#) or is empty. The succeeding lines define the different properties.

    For more information on these properties and the possible values, see Configuring JDBC thin Client.

  4. Specify the properties file path for the Oracle advanced security option. See Creating an adapter service.