Customize table space quota sizes
The adapter enables customizing the required quota size on the table spaces when you provision user accounts.
- Open the OracleAdapter.xml file on IBM Security Directory Integrator.
- Add the required values for the table space quota sizes as follows:
- Open OracleSearchUserAL.
- Go to Feed Section.
- Select the conOracleGetTSQuotas connector.
- Open Before Selection.
- Search for following line where ‘qt’ array is
var qt = new Array("128K","256K","512K","1M","2M","4M","8M","16M","32M","64M","UNLIMITED");
Note: Use the following conventions for specifying the quota sizes:- K
- Kilobytes
- M
- Megabytes
- G
- Gigabytes
- Unlimited quota
- Build a profile jar with updated OracleAdapter.xml file.
- Import the newly built profile jar (OracleAdapterProfilejar) into the Identity Brokerage on-premisis component.
- Restart the Service for IBM Security Directory Integrator.