Configuring the adapter for IBM Security Verify

After you install the adapter, configure the adapter to function correctly.

About this task

Note: The screens displayed in these tasks are examples, the actual screens displayed might differ.
Before you begin to configure the adapter, verify that you meet the following conditions:
  • The Administrator ID must previously log on the client, on the same workstation where the adapter is running. The adapter requires that the last ID logged on the Notes client is the Administrator ID. For more information, see the first bullet in the installation verification topic.
  • You must obtain a production certificate from a well-known certificate authority or create your own certificate using your own certificate authority. The adapter does not come prepackaged with a certificate.

The adapter can manage multiple database instances simultaneously.

To configure the adapter, perform the following steps:


  1. Start the adapter service. Use the Windows Services tool.
    Note: On the AIX operating system, use the / that is located in the /bin directory of the adapter.
  2. Configure the Directory Access Markup Language (DAML) protocol for the adapter to establish communication with Verify. See Modifying protocol configuration settings.
  3. Configure the adapter for event notification.
  4. Install a certificate on the workstation where the adapter is installed and also on Verify to establish secure communication between them.
  5. Use the adapter configuration program, agentCfg, to view or modify the adapter parameters.
  6. Restart the adapter service after you modify the adapter configuration settings.