Ending a campaign

Use this task to end campaigns.

About this task

Administrators can manage all campaigns. Application owners can manage campaigns only for the applications that they own.

You can use these steps to end individual or multiple campaigns.


  1. Select Applications > Access certification.
    The screen displays the number of campaigns that are Running, Scheduled, Paused, and Closed.
  2. Navigate to the Running campaigns section.
    Note: The End option gets displayed only for the campaigns where Scott can end the campaign before its end date.
  3. Clicking the list view icon opens the List view. Hover-over the campaign record and click the menu icon to select End or checkmark the record (s) and click End campaign.
  4. Clicking the grid opens the Grid view. Click the menu icon from the individual campaign tile to select End or checkmark the Select checkbox from the tile (s) and click End campaign.
  5. Confirm that you want to end the campaign (s).
  6. The ended campaign (s) appear in the Closed tab under Other campaigns.