Customizing labels

Labels are the text on a Verify page or text on buttons that are displayed to the user. The text can be changed to customize the display as needed. You can also add your own labels and reference them on Verify pages.

Before you begin

Download the themes files. See Download a theme with API.

About this task

Labels are defined in a single .properties file and then apply across the Verify pages.

An example of the label format is:

is the label name.
Sign in another way
is the label definition.


  1. Extract the files from the .zip compressed theme file from Download a theme with API.
  2. Modify the label definition in the templates/common/labels/default/ file to change the text in a label on a page. New user-defined labels can also be added to the file and referenced from one of the following theme pages to create your customized page.
  3. Follow Updating a theme to load your changes to your Verify tenant.