The following IBM® Security Verify
attributes and error handling are supported for custom applications.
Supported attributes
Table 1. Attributes
Attribute name |
Description |
Mapped Cloud Directory attribute (Default mapping) |
Type |
Mandatory |
Modifiable |
userName |
User's username |
preferred_username |
String |
Yes |
No | |
User's work email |
email |
String |
Yes |
No |
name.formatted |
User's formatted name |
name |
String |
No |
No |
name.familyName |
Users surname |
family_name |
String |
No |
No |
name.middleName |
User's middle name |
None |
String |
No |
No |
name.givenName |
User's given name |
given_name |
String |
No |
No |
displayName |
User's display name |
name |
String |
No |
No |
nickName |
User's nick name |
name |
String |
No |
No |
profileUrl |
User's profile URL |
None |
String |
No |
No |
UserType |
Used to identify the relationship between the organization and the user. Typical values that
are used might be Contractor, Employee, Intern, Temp, External, and Unknown, but any value can be
used. |
None |
String |
No |
No | |
User's work phone number |
mobile_number |
String |
No |
No |
title |
User's job title |
job_title |
String |
No |
No |
preferredLanguage |
User's preferred language |
language |
String |
No |
No |
timezone |
User's time zone |
none |
String |
No |
No | |
User's instant messaging address |
None |
String |
No |
No | |
User's wok address formatted |
None |
String |
No |
No |
employeeNumber |
User's employee number |
None |
String |
No |
No |
costCenter |
Identifies the name of a cost center. |
None |
String |
No |
No |
organization |
User's organization |
None |
String |
No |
No |
division |
User's division |
None |
String |
No |
No |
department |
User's department |
None |
String |
No |
No |
manager |
User's manager |
None |
String |
No |
No |
Error handling
Table 2. Error codes
Sr. No. |
Status code |
Definition |
1. |
400 |
Invalid input error |
2. |
401 |
Authentication error |
3. |
403 |
Adapter error |
4. |
404 |
Resource not found error |
5. |
409 |
Resource conflict error |
6. |
429 |
Confirmed rate limit error |