Changing the application icon

An icon is associated with each application. The icon is displayed with the application name. You can change the default icon for any custom application, or predefined application except for application suites.

About this task

You can use the icon for the following reasons:
  • To represent the logo of the organization that created the application.
  • To represent the application type.
  • To communicate the purpose of the application.
  • Only JPEG, JPG, and PNG files are supported.
  • The file size must not exceed 100 KB.
  • For best results, use an image with dimensions 40 x 40 pixels.


  1. To change the default cloud icon for your custom application:
    1. Select Applications > Applications. Hover over an application name and select the settings icon Settings.
    2. Select the camera icon.
    3. Browse for the image file or drag it in the drop area, and select OK.
  2. To keep the default cloud icon, select Use Default.