Accessing the IBM Security Verify: Developer Portal

Developers can access the IBM® Security Verify Developer Portal to use the Verify APIs to develop new applications.

About this task

To enable developers to access the developer portal is a two-step process. You must download the IBM Security Verify Developer: Portal application on to your tenant and add the developer as a member of the developer group.


  1. Log in to IBM Security Verify as an administrator.
  2. Install the IBM Security Verify: Developer Portal application.
    1. Select Applications > Applications.
    2. Select Add application.
    3. Search on dev.
    4. Select IBM Security Verify: Developer Portal and select Add application.
    5. Provide the information for the General, Sign-on, and Settings tabs.
      For more information, see Managing your applications
    6. Select Save.
  3. Assign members to the developer group.
    1. From the navigation menu, select Users & Groups.
    2. Select the Groups tab.
    3. Select the developer group and select the Edit icon.
    4. Select Add.
    5. Search for the user, select one or more users from the Matching Users and select Add.
      Repeat the search and add process to add more users to the group.
    6. Select OK.
    7. Select Save.
    The IBM Security Verify: Developer Portal application is displayed on the home pages of the members. When they start the application, they can access the developer portal.