Webhook limitations

Several limitations are imposed on webhooks, which can affect deployment.

  • A webhook invocation is retried twice for a total of three calls if a webhook is unavailable.
  • A webhook must respond within 5 seconds or the webhook call is abandoned. This 5-second limitation applies to the total duration of the call and the two retries.
  • Concurrent webhook requests are rate-limited at a tenant level. If webhooks are slow, performance might be degraded while it waits for the rate-limit quota to be available.
  • Webhook statistics are kept for 7 days.
  • Notification dead-letters are limited to the following criteria:
    • Dead-letters older than 90 days are deleted.
    • If a tenant has more than 2 million dead-letters, the number of dead-letters that exceeds that quota are removed starting from oldest to newest.
    • Dead-letter reconciliations do not run for more that 2 hours.
    • Dead-letter reconciliation results are kept for 7 days.
  • The following ports are supported by webhooks.
    • Ports 80,443, and 8088
    • Port range 7000-7050
    • Port range 8000-8050
    The use of any other ports results in a timeout.