Create and register your own theme to customize applications for your tenant. When
configuring an application, select your user-created theme to display the pages with your
customizations. You can have a different theme for each application or multiple applications can use
the same theme.
About this task
Download an existing theme and use it as a template to create your new theme. The
default theme can be used as a template when creating a new theme. Maintain
the same directory structure.
Extract the compressed theme file from Download a theme with API and modify the files to create a new customized theme for your Verify tenant.
For more information on editing the theme files, see:
Create a compressed theme file with the same directory structure as the file that was
downloaded in step 1 for your customized
theme files.
To register your new theme, upload the compressed theme file with your customizations back to
your tenant.
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --header 'Accept: application/json' -F configuration=@<JSON configuration file> 'https://<tenant>/v1.0/branding/themes' -F 'files=@<update_theme_file>.zip' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'
- <JSON configuration file>
- The theme registration configuration payload, a string-encoded JSON object. Example:
"name": "string",
"description": "string (optional)",
- <tenant>
- The fully qualified domain name that is assigned to your Verify subscription.
- <update_theme_file>
- File name of the compressed theme file with the formatted theme structure.
- <access_token>
- The value of the access token you received in Managing themes.
A new theme is registered with your tenant. A unique themeId is
- Optional:
Follow List the themes to see the newly registered
theme on your tenant. You can download the theme with
customized_only=true to verify the list of customized files.
For more information, see Download a theme with API.
To use the new theme in your application, set the Theme field in the
application settings to the new theme name. For more information, see Setting the basic application details.
Your application will now use the selected theme.
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --header 'Accept: application/json' -F configuration=@config.json '' -F '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer JUHn05z35P4Kd9QaCLHFEyMGEbzeCOo0faBefI9w'