Delete the customization for a specific template file in a theme

Use this task to delete a specific customized template file from a theme. The template file is restored to the default version in the theme.

Before you begin

About this task

A specific customized template file is deleted and the file is reset back to the default version in the theme on your Verify tenant.

Note: To reset the whole theme, see Delete a theme.


Delete a specific customized template file from a theme and reset the file back to the default version.
curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: text/html' 'https://<tenant>/v1.0/branding/themes/<themeID>/<templatePath>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'
The fully qualified domain name that is assigned to your Verify subscription.
The theme identification name. See List the themes.
Directory path and file name of the specific template file as found in the compressed theme file, for example, authentication/saml/error/default/routing_error.html.
The value of the access token you received in Managing themes.


The specific customized template file is deleted and reset back to the default version.


curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: text/html' '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer JUHn05z35P4Kd9QaCLHFEyMGEbzeCOo0faBefI9w'